1 Season 4 Episode

Episode 4 Engsub

Korean Drama Queen For Seven Days Ep 4 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 4 Engsub

Synopsis of Queen For Seven Days Ep 4

You can download Queen For Seven Days Ep 4 with english subtitles in 720p(HD) quality and download the subtitle in srt form. Raw episode is uploaded first and eng subs are added in few hours. Please bookmark our site for regular updates.

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  1. kruti jhala says:

    When will it be subbed ??

  2. pee says:

    Daebak. The plot is very interesting. l will miss the child actors.

  3. paradox.of.fate says:

    omg how heart breaking. These teen actors are superior! Will be following them through their their lives and hoping to see them often. Just a phenomenal job. I’m crying as they were crying after being pulled apart in front of the king.
    Not many young actors have moved my heart the way these have… ;)

  4. paradox.of.fate says:

    Sorry a few last observations…What kind of fate do these 3 have that Seo No just happened to be the scribes son and all 3 were tied together?
    Gotta give kudos to Lee Dong Gun for his role as the King. Although he is the villain and is only going to get crazier, he is playing the part to the hilt! Well done!

    • Cinnamon Carter says:

      Doesn’t matter, it’ll be something DUMB (imo). I can’t with this storyline. Not today, actually not tomorrow, not EVAH! I’m not in anyway caring about what happens to these people.??‍♀️#historicaldramaburnout

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Look for something that grabs your attention and relaxes the mind. Maybe in time, 6 months or even years you will get to the place where these kind of dramas just flow in and out. (Not processing so much, but the laughs and romance) I’m still giggling of your “EVAH!” comment. I will laugh about this all day. See how it works? When you get to the max in your daily life and stress, it doesnt take much to entertain or make you laugh! ;)

        • Cinnamon Carter says:

          That’s why I usually have Chinese dramas going at the same time. You know that mess is not tryna be real! They tell you up front it’s FANTASY so I go from there. Plus Chinese costumes are AMAZING! They get huge budgets and it shows. I tried Japanese but it’s hard to get used to hearing the language but I’m working with it.
          Glad I made you laugh.
          I don’t *drank* but some of these dramas make feel like I need to?historical and current work my *past the last* nerve?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Seriously, you missed your calling eight being a comedian or film critic??? hahahaha I have a harder time with the Chinese dramas because the subs go so fast. hehe Love the fantasy genre. But like I said right now, I have a mashed potato brain. 6- 14 year old’s getting everything out of the attic starting the dreadful move! UGH!!

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            Girl, I feel you about moving. I moved last year in October and STILL haven’t unpacked everything!???I pulled out what was needed immediately and moved on with life!
            I dread packing and unpacking which is crazy.
            I was looking at the unpacked boxes and all of what is already out of boxes and thinking I have even more to pack when I leave here! Yes, I’m thinking that far ahead whenever that is.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lol You have got to be OCD!! hahaha just like me. My ex still has boxes in the shed. We were divorced in 09! lol Dreading bad. But down time to catch upon a few shows. woohoo!

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            ???WoW! 2009?! That’s wild.
            As for me, Just lazy with a friend who doesn’t help. She will call me for “laundry parties”. I watch while she folds a month (or more) worth of laundry. She feeds me so I sit there and watch ratchet tv shows (every house wife show etc) Kdrama downtime.
            I need to have an *unpacking party*!???

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I need to start doing those!! I have 8 siblings. My mom had 9 kids in 7 years because 2 sets of twins. My point to all this she couldnt keep up. We would take 20 or more loads to the laundry on the weekend. I got paid one quarter a load!! Spent all day there and made $10 dollars if I was lucky. Thinks its the curse of being the youngest? (I do have a twin, but still the youngest ;)
            Btw, Let me know when you have an unpacking party…count me in!! hahahaha

          • Cinnamon Carter says:


          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            I want ONE set of twins. I think it would awesome. My friend who has twins always says: “Watch these! I bet you’ll change your mind!” Hahaha

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            So true!! My mom had 5 babies in diapers and the other 4 were 7 yrs old and under. Oh hell no. Cant believe she didnt go crazy. (Of course my father traveled for months in Singapore, Saudi Arabia…you name). She did it by herself. Amazing…
            Moral …have one before having 2! lol

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            Lol! Was your dad in the military? My dad was air force and we traveled like that. My mom hated it because there are 5 kids.
            I think multiples are good because they’ll always have a playmate. Yes, spoken like someone with no kids?who doesn’t know the noise, diapers, feedings etc

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            hahaha at least you were honest!! No military He was Vice president of a company in research and development. (Metallurgical engineer). We never traveled with him. But you’re right I always had someone to play with and we are all still very tight! Blessed!

  5. Ma Lourdes Angel Garcia says:

    Waiting for next week…the story is sooo interesting….

  6. Ricky Matthews says:

    This drama is amazing

  7. jwizzle says:

    woaaaah, this always annoys the crap out of me… Can someone explain to me why they make the girl ‘upright for justice’ and because of that act all stupid? Like are we women really that emotional? Hate to play the blame game, but it gets annoying… The child actors were incredible non the less! Absolutely loved them

  8. Cinnamon Carter says:

    You’ve got to be kidding me.??‍♀️How is the “little girl” able to get INTO THE PALACE AT NIGHT more than likely AFTER THE CURFEW BELL?!?! But, okay. I will suspend belief.
    How is she walking around miles and miles…ah, forget it. They warn the viewer at the beginning it’s made up thankfully because the ninja *zipline* attack on the prince was my last straw. ?

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      bwahahaha You’re hilarious! All those same things bothered me too, just not as long as it did you, evidently. I truly believe it’s all in where our heads are at going into a drama. I needed a “My secret romance” replacement…this is really an equivalent. But while I watch this I dont think, you may even find a drool mark lol. This is nothing but a mind escape for me.. do way too much life changing thinking in these last few months. So for this I time travel back 40 years and I’m a tween again looking for love.
      P.S. Maybe a glass a wine before watching may distract your analytical mind enough to enjoy this series? ;)

  9. Jaclyn Yoo says:

    ahhh the ending people THE ENDINGGG i cant wait!

  10. Ayla says:

    omgggg the preview~~ ?