Save Me 2
1 Seasons 16 Episodes

Save Me 2


1 Save Me 2

Korean Drama Save Me 2 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Synopsis of Save Me 2

With their municipality scheduled to be flooded to make way for the construction of a new dam, the devout denizens of a rural village have placed their faith in Choi Gyung Seok, a church elder who promises to relocate the flock. Choi tells the villagers they will build a church and a new housing development where they will all be able to live together after the town is completely submerged. He also says that only 144,000 people can go to heaven, and that church offerings are mandatory if one wants to “secure their spot.” Even the town’s much-revered Reverend Sung, a young and good-looking minister who seemingly has the ability to heal the sick, approves of Choi’s plans. Behind his guise of devotion, however, Choi is a practiced con man posing as a representative of a fake religion; his true aim is to defraud the villagers of their resettlement compensation. The only obstacle to the scheme is Kim MinChul, a skeptical outcast who accidentally discovers evidence of Choi’s past misdeeds and suddenly finds himself becoming the center of resistance against the church institution.

You can download Save Me 2 with english subtitles in 720p(HD) quality and download the subtitle in srt form. Raw episode is uploaded first and eng subs are added in few hours. Please bookmark our site for regular updates.

Episode runtime60 min
TV StatusEnded


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