1 Season 13 Episode

Episode 13 Engsub

Korean Drama Black Ep 13 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 13 Engsub

Synopsis of Black Ep 13

You can download Black Ep 13 with english subtitles in 720p(HD) quality and download the subtitle in srt form. Raw episode is uploaded first and eng subs are added in few hours. Please bookmark our site for regular updates.

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  1. Umla80 says:

    ah finally! i want to know what happend to our girl, i hope shes ok <3

  2. ShoYong says:

    that mofo police dude who shot needs to be fired

  3. Athena Gliddon says:

    Damn! I hate waiting! I am dying to know what happens next! I heard they extended this series by two episodes.

  4. anil magar says:

    fucking situation…cant that mad dog’s car hit that shitty traitor’s car instead of crying “no” “no” andaeee…what the fuck it was so close…fuck

  5. pee says:

    Too much violence in this episode. I could barely see some of the scenes.

  6. Ino Yong Senpei says:

    This is too intense

  7. amanda says:

    wtf man……………the guy was fucking crazy it’s scary at least he got what he deserved!!! kinda reminds me of the lunatic fringe dean ambrose, wow moo gang showed so much emotion in this ep he’s completely human now

  8. paradox.of.fate says:

    Whoa! Such a good episode, except when she was riding the bike chasing the serial murderer with a butcher knife in her hand. (Seriously had me lol) The next one is already up, guess the only perk for working the last 72 hrs! Woot!

  9. booboop says:

    It must be hard for the actor playing the elder Oh to do another role as a dad who spoiled his son and tried to hide his crimes. I remember him well as the dad of the psycho killer Mo Tae Goo in Voice! On another note, now I understand why Man Oh despises him and defies him. But still, father and elder son made that mess in this drama. What a twisted ride!!!