1 Season 20 Episode

Episode 20 Engsub

Korean Drama Marry Me Now Ep 20 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 20 Engsub

Synopsis of Marry Me Now Ep 20

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  1. Iwan Ridwan says:

    at this pace maybe eungtae and yuha will marry above episode 40…

  2. cindydoo says:

    If he distracts his Mom and then does something devious with his vote he needs to understand that POA is instantly revocable and any actions you commit with the POA can be challenged especially if you do not act in the best interest of the person giving you their POA.

  3. cindydoo says:

    All his ruses will come back to haunt him – he’s digging a deep hole. Unless he completely sells out, takes over and abandons his step-mom, she’ll be deeply hurt and I don’t know what would happen to their relationship. Good thing MY is getting the backing of PSB’s family – they’ll fight for her benefit.

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      He’s such a dumb lil shit…so friggin conniving and greedy. Be glad when they bust his bubble.

      • Ronald Harrington says:

        They wont, he’ll be beasties with our guy, and sit together at the closing family picnic……wow, I must really not like this show…..lol

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          Right? Probably be a wack ass ending like My Husband, Mr. Oh…

          None of them that should have been broken down and checked and rechecked got checked at all! That was such a lame ending and all through out… how she just gone NOT put that bitch of a mother in her place..? And all is forgiven and bygones gonna be thrown back up as soon as she didn’t get her way…or she’d ask for money..which she did…smdh…

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            Oh don’t even get me started on that crap, I could write a book, sooooo disappointing..

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

            Right? I’m mad at that writer…I thought sure the last two epis would be redeeming epis….huh…disgusted.

  4. cindydoo says:

    I really want to hit director Dad…

  5. Ronald Harrington says:

    Look, your brother is sterile, So I had to have invert room because he is (in Korea) half a man, puts an end to that right there…..what is the problem? Oh yeah, they have to stretch to 120 eps…..

    • Okaybye says:


      • Ronald Harrington says:

        As welcome as that news is, it’s still moving as slow as a 120er……..

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          Ron D if you haven’t already, you should check out that Thai Lakorn I recommended to POF…the link is on the My Husband Mr. Oh’s last epi..

          Those Thai chicks are lit! lol

        • Okaybye says:

          This is very common for me. The pace will getting better when we reach ep 30s but still make us wondering when they will reveal the truth, and we finally able to feel relief when the drama in its 40s ep, lol
          For 120ep, they will make ridiculous twist and make everyone taking uturn here and there just to reveal their “true love”

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      Yep! Her standing there looking all stupid and scared is just ridiculous.

      She should have picked those papers up and threw them back in ol’ girls face and told her exactly what you said and ended with, ‘What? What you gone do now? Bitch.’ lmaoooo