1 Season 26 Episode

Episode 26 Engsub

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  1. cindydoo says:

    bratty immature child

    • Rida says:

      Who? The adopted son?? Couldn’t agree more if it’s he that you meant. Wish he’ll get accident in the drama and no longer exists. Don’t like to see his face here. Not bcos his evil character,but I just don’t like to see his face. I dunno why :D

      • mel says:

        I think they’re gonna pair him up with the younger sister so, we’ll have to see him all the way till the end.

        • Rida says:

          I think he’ll end up with the hospital director’s only child. If the annoying look man ends up with the sister, aren’t they gonna be step sister/brother since his adopted mom married to their dad.

      • cindydoo says:

        He does that spaced-out entitled look…

      • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

        I don’t like Jae Hyungs face or the shape of his head…of the two the adopted ahole is easier on the eyes but YEP he’s funny looking too! lol

        • Rida says:

          He also starred in judge vs judge (if I’m not mistaken). there’s smt wrong with his face or the way he looks that makes people annoyed easily with him :D. I’m not taking bout his characters in those two dramas ( both as antagonist), but his look :D

        • Ronald Harrington says:

          Why is this so funny to me….rotfl

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

            lol Ron D… wellll….It’s true tho… JH looks like one of those manga characters… with the eyes and oddball head shape… his mom must not have ‘molded’ his head when he was a baby.

          • Ronald Harrington says:


  2. Sena says:

    How come 2nd daughter is so bossy at home with her siblings when she was a total pathetic doormat in her own home & with her in-laws? Inconsistent writing?

    • Muhammad Kazee says:

      its different circumstances, she was one of the older children at home but with her in-laws she was the powerless one. I have witnessed peopled who are treated like doormats by their friends turn into powerful people at home. it depends on the person but it is understandeable how she acts differently to her family. Imagine having an older sibling sho bosses you around and then one day you see them being completely obedient to someone (maybe a teacher, or even someone who is older than them)

  3. sima says:

    Glad they didn’t keep it from her. I’d get married the next day and have the whole family move in. 🤣🤣 he’s be burning. But now I feel he’s going to try the company as a threat.

  4. Kerlifa says:

    Is no one going to comment on that slap the second daughter did to the doctor then hugged him right after. Lol

  5. Gidget Lim says:

    MoonSik the ungrateful Adopted Son will taste his own bitter medicine . I hope its not too late to get back the power of attorney and MiYeon’s Stocks back before he sells it unofficially and Kicked CEO Yang.
    MoonSik should be grateful that MY treated him like a true son….but he is greedy and delusional….he is hoping his father can return and be a happy family once again. Oh Well,,,,, I know The Dr Will come back I just didnt know it was after 100 days. Im so glad he is back and I hope they also get married too. This drama reminds me of FATHER IS STRANGE,,,, I like it so far :)

  6. Ronald Harrington says:

    Finally, the dead brain awakens….

  7. Iwan Ridwan says:

    hmm in my opinion, the eldest child and the twin sister are not necessary, not needed for the whole story and also not needed for entertainment, no offense….too much character make this drama is not focused.
    My father is strange, my golden life and then this drama all have 4 children. can they have two children and still make the family drama going on great. 0_0

    • Sena says:

      True. How about we add the second sister as well. Could do without her too :)

      • Iwan Ridwan says:

        yes, you mean the twin sister of jaehyung right? her character is not needed too in my opinion

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          That twin daughter and the busybody gossips are totally unnecessary…they just made the drama ratchet… with their always keeping shyt going cause they have no real life 20th century personalities…

          They belong on shows like Jerry Springer or his spin off show that is hosted by his former body guard.

  8. JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

    First hand knowledge is always the best….PHS and son better set that lil ahole up to let MY see his true colors…but if they did that wouldn’t allow for the first husband to come back…

  9. Elveol says:

    Moon sik, immature jerk. There’s no hope for your dad to get back together with mi yeon :/ hayss.im really excited of when will mi yeon discover it, when its the main reason why he’s so hostile. damn, dont touch her company

  10. jinkee mallare says:

    iloveit. great cast and everbody is very good