1 Season 14 Episode

Episode 14 Engsub

Korean Drama Misty Ep 14 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 14 Engsub

Synopsis of Misty Ep 14

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  1. Ronald Harrington says:

    Wait, is she crying because she thinks her husband killed him? Or because her husband saw her acting like a teenager, fresh out of Catholic school on her first date, with Kevin Lee in the car????

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      The 2nd part, in the beginning she told him she didn’t do it and he almost didn’t believe her. His face told us he didn’t do it. He might have been there but he didn’t pull the trigger I don’t think. (trigger being slamming Kevin’s head into the wall, then ragging into his car)

      • Ronald Harrington says:

        So, it was acting like a teenager in the car with Kevin, got it……

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          Not sure why you say she was acting like a teen in the car. She was looking directly at the camera when she told him all the things he wanted to hear, which imo she didn’t want to say, and she felt disgusted to even have to touch him after all the crap he put her through

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            And what part of that was not in my teen experiences???? Anyway, he could not see that from his stalker position…….

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            no obviously not, but he’s a coward, instead of telling her the truth, hey hun I followed you ad saw you with Kevin Lee, no he keeps it to himself like you said stalker. and Hyeran is another dingaling, she never told him any truths about Kevin from her past nor from her present, if she had all this bullshit would have been averted smdh

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            Yeah, but who would watch a drama about two professional rich people with an open and honest relationship handle their own problems lovingly and responsibly? Not me….rotfl

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            hahahahaha at least one of them idiots had to be truthful, c’mon now :P

  2. dutchessdioji says:

    The Detective had Tae Wook (Hye Ran’s lawyer husband) shook and momentarily rattled his brain with the question… “Why did you use the word body when you questioned the witness?” You guys are probably too young to remember the American Detective TV show “Columbo,” but the Detective pulled a Columbo move. Just when you thought the questioning was over and Columbo was about to leave, he would turn around and pose one more question and that one question was always deadly to one’s innocence. In the way that Tae Wook responded to his question, he just confirmed the Detective’s suspicions, which leads me to believe that the case of Kevin Lee is definitely not over for this couple.

    • Ronald Harrington says:

      When you pull a Colombo reference out, that makes clever, not old…..we have AMC and Nick at night……

      • DyingtobeinKorea says:

        When you pull a Columbo ref out that makes it clever and old LOL AMC and Nick make it like referring to have watched Dirty Dancing in 1997 when you were 10 and you are now 20 sayin ” Wow that’s old school I remember watching that when I was 10 LOLOL sounded better in my head bahahaha

      • dutchessdioji says:

        Not in that way, but it does age me a bit. :)

      • Ronald Harrington says:


        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          oh u like that one eh?? Columbo was good but Three’s Company will always be my fav out of every sitcom romcom ever made #JohnRitter funny man

      • dutchessdioji says:

        Omg… I can’t believe you found this and with the “One more question quote too.” Thanks!

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          You’re welcome. Lol. He was funny. I liked him a lot, grew up watching Columbo.

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Re: “…. grew up watching Columbo.” Me too and sorry to say they just don’t make shows like that anymore, but then I haven’t watched American television in 6 years so… Last month I had a “Bonanza” marathon. Lil’ Joe Cartwright (Michael Landon) was a cutie pie!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            LOLOLOL I still watch a few US shows not many though, I like the DC series and Supernatural. But Three’s Company will always be my favorite. Nothing was funnier or still is to me than the late John Ritter :)

    • niagirl says:

      Just watched a rerun.

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      All too familiar, grew up watching Columbo. lol There seems to be many times I’ve found those similarities on many of the detective shows. Appears I have another “brother from another mother” hahaha.
      I also picked up the use of “body” in his testimony, wondered how it would haunt him. Still think that the dedication from her 1st love will somehow protect her by ultimately protecting him and taking the rap?
      Agree with that it aint over til the fat lady sings huh? (Please no one take offense I’m not attacking over weight people, just a saying) ;)

      • dutchessdioji says:

        Lol. You have a sister from another mister. Hahaha

      • dutchessdioji says:

        We have to be so politically correct today unless we offend someone. We’re such a guarded people these days and if we aren’t then we’re accused of offending each other when that was never the case. It goes the other too. If we do get offended, then we’re accused of pulling the race card, or the gay card, or religion card etc. I just want to express myself without meaning to offend anyone without apologizing or defending something that was never meant to defend. Thank you! ;)

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          You’re absolutely right. Thank goodness this “hood” has a great community and generally don’t take these types of comments personally. (and shouldn’t when the writer of the comment has lbs to lose too. lol)
          With more people like you who join this hood, the opportunity only increases for us to enjoy the escape and friendship this great site provides.

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Aww thanks Chingu. I feel the same about you. Now let’s go hug some trees. Lol

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            You got it, notice my profile pic? Yes, I could have had that hunk of a man like yours, but noooooo. This tree lover has to stay true. lol

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Lol. Cute! Thanks for putting that smile on my face and laughter in my heart. :)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            hehehe heals the soul. Anytime. ;)

  3. danniealencar says:

    This detective is the most boring detective of all times! lol

  4. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    Question, i Korean Law is there Double Jeopardy? Anyone know?? Never mind

  5. shemashi says:

    Don’t tell me that smt will happen to TaeWook in the next ep??:( I’ve got a feeling like he will be killed or smt like that…..I can’t waiiiiiit

  6. danniealencar says:

    I love the JBC news chief đź’•

  7. danniealencar says:

    I don’t know why but now everytime Kevin’s wife talk with someone I think she is faking it

  8. danniealencar says:

    I really hope it won’t be tae wook at the end :”'( HR would be devasted if another guy ended up becoming a murder and going to jail cause of her

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      Thought the same, then wondered if her man who did the time previous would take the fall again for her sake? I know that’s a stretch, but it was kinda strange that he had to find out if TW really loved her?

  9. Di Laa says:

    The detective got nothing after his 25 years of his career, he seems more suit as father who sell dumpling. Idk the detective is way too ambitions or too dumb

  10. Iwan Ridwan says:

    so we can conclude who is the murderer now?

  11. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    Someone care to explain how the frick the in-laws manage to get into Hyeran’s house while she is still sleeping?? Like WTF!!!! Put a leash on your parents Taewook!!!

  12. vuena 1 says:

    Ok so who’s the real culprit is the only thing i want to know now

  13. paradox.of.fate says:

    We still don’t know how ES played a part in the murder case 20 yrs ago. Wondered if she was the pawn shop owners daughter? Regardless, she has had it out with GHR for way too long and it looks like MW will finally put a stop to it? It might have been the same case back then, GHR was given the love from MW and ES was in love with him and she was pissed that he loved GHR even worse knowing GHR didn’t love him back? Seems the vendetta has been going on waaaayyyyy too long. lol

  14. Sa Nd says:

    Maybe KTW and KL had a car race where the winner takes it all….. KL met with an accident, KTW drove away… ;) ;)

  15. fiqah jaidi says:

    I still thinking about the taxi driver comment that say someone with a neatly suit.. at that night I dont think Tae Wok wore a neat suit.. I dont know maybe there will be a twist like someone from kanghae const. or maybe it was just really an accident.. hahaha

  16. hope says:

    Director jang is my fav

  17. drama lover says:

    WE all know that TW is hiding something but i still don’t see him as the killer