1 Season 16 Episode

Episode 16 Engsub

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Episode TitleEpisode 16 Engsub

Synopsis of Misty Ep 16

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  1. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    This is the end, beautiful friend
    This is the end, my only friend, the end
    Of our elaborate plans, the end
    Of everything that stands, the end
    No safety or surprise, the end
    I’ll never look into your eyes, again

    Thank gawd!!!!! LOL

  2. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    Interesting events. ……….

  3. DyingtobeinKorea says:


  4. Ronald Harrington says:

    She said “where did it all go wrong” I believe it was when you chose to swap spit during the special in another country with an ass……and get photographed doing it…….that MIGHT be it…

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      LOL though I beg to differ since he shoved her into the wall and made it so she couldn’t get out. But I am glad this show is over

      • Ronald Harrington says:

        I’ve heard this before, she kissed him back, and knew what he was there for, she could have left first…..are the dues expensive in that woman’s club? You guys have there? I’d like to join……when it didn’t say “last episode” I was so scared

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          what women’s club? I’m confused. She did leave first. and please don’t be sexist

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            All the women who said she was “forced” into those pictures……..no she wasnt, I can bring cookies to the meetings…

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Does that give men the right to assault them, take advantage of them mistreat them blackmail them? Why is it a women’s club? Do you think this shit doesn’t happen to men?? Chauvinistic much??

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            I said I want to join…..but she was NOT forced, even if it were a man (Donald Trump and the porn star) he did it willingly…..no sexism about it…..you do is the crimes you pays the dues, she did THAT crime, as DO did his, because she was blackmailed, doesn’t mean she was not willingly kissing that jackass…

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Ok not sure what crime you’re talking about but whatever…. as for you joining whatever club I haven’t a clue wtf you’re going on about, but I do know you are a man from the way you write and two if you want to be a woman there are plenty of ways of becoming one, but first an attitude adjustment needs to come first ( keep in mind that’;s if you want to become a woman) This is being said with respect cuz I don’t know you from Adam. But this subject and discussion to this post is now over

          • Andy O says:

            If you watch the scene again, she was indeed forced. She only pretended to kiss him back in case she’ll aggravate him more.
            He was constantly verbally harassing and threatening her..
            That’s also what she did the last night in his car, trying to take care the situation alone and stop him from making threats…

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Brava @Andy O Brava!! So I am not the only one who will stand up!

          • Andy O says:

            Well, i tried to explain the scene because i can see he completely misunderstood it..
            I recall seeing some of his comments before, all about unfaithful women, without attempting to fully understand the situation.
            I guess his understanding stops before adultery.. It can’t go beyond that..

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:


          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:


          • Ronald Harrington says:

            She only “pretended” to kiss him back, she was already blackmailing him with the Co anchor photos………and I’m the one who does not understand???? OK you are right, she was the saint, and I’m a sexist pig……rotfl ……my bad,

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            He was already harassing her by then that’s why she went out and got pictures of the anchor to keep him at bay but it blew up in her face cuz he was a lying two timing backstabbing misogynistic piece of trash who just wanted to trash her, so he assaulted her in the hotel room just to get pics to blackmail her back. Man all you men think you can bully women into any freaking corner you want becuz you have muscles and a dick smfh

          • Andy O says:

            Of course she was blackmailing him, but after he threatened her first. She was fighting him back.

            My comment about the drama is still pending because it was too long.
            If you read it later, you’ll see that i wrote about how she did also make bad choices in Kevin Lee’s case.
            She was not a saint.
            That doesn’t change the fact that you understood half of the drama wrong..
            That’s what i’m explaining to you.

            I know your comments’ style is cynical, i remember agreeing with some of your comments before, even laughing with some, but i just strongly disagree with what you said above.
            I won’t call you sexist, i don’t even know you. But your comment give off a sexist vibe.

            And we don’t mean to gang up against you, we’re just protesting against what you said.

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            HyeRan only engages after someone fucks with her.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Can’t agree with ya on that one, although I may have to watch it again. Seems at some point it was mutual, then it wasn’t then it was?

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            We obviously don’t have the grasp of the material that Andy does, we give off a sexist vibe….

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lol I thin it’s sexist to use sexist in a kdrama. Everything about dramas are sexist? I didn’t read that you blamed her as a woman, did I miss something? Is it sexist if it was commented that way by a female? Boy, had no idea this ending would bring about so many comments that don’t even seem to be related to the ending?

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            And the fact that these are FICTIONAL characters….

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            Well, the drama was meh….the fun is in the comments

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Definitely got me shaking my head even more than the ending. lol

          • Andy O says:

            Come on guys, can you tell me at least one scene that Hye Ran wanted to involve with Kevin emotionally or sexually after he appeared at the airport?

            It was a hate relationship and hard feeling from Kevin’s side, because Hye Ran chose Tae Wook in the past.
            And he wanted his revenge.

            Watch the scene in the hotel room again if you want, i think it’s ep.5. And then we talk again.

            The ”sexist vibe” was going to the comment where you talk about Hye Ran doing it mutually. Only that.
            Everything else is just your typical cynical stuff. Lol

            Everyone who reads the conversation/ comments is free to understand them how they want.
            We all have our own level and way of understanding things.. What more can i say..

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            You can say I am right, I’m a genius, and funny, and you look forward to reading my comments in the future……rotfl

          • Andy O says:

            You’re funny sometimes, i’ll give you that.
            But genius, i don’t know, let me have my doubts! :p
            You even missed half of the drama’s point here!

            You just made your comment and you razed the whole Hye Ran’s personality. In fact, you razed both characters with a comment. That’s why i stated my disagreement.
            Both characters were much more than that..

            Anyway, we’re just having a conversation. No hard feelings. We can agree to disagree.

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            Yep, that’s what comments are for……My mom, six sisters, and two daughters got a kick out of the sexist vibe…..

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Well you had better tell miss thing up above who just yelled at you for not being the right person LOLOL who got accused being a sexist although she yelled at you instead of me LOLOL hope that makes sense

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            It did, I’m used to it, I like strong opinions like that, but it does hurt my feelings ….lol

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            I can tell her that it was me that she had that idiotic convo with this morning if you want? I called her a sexist cuz she threw the woman over the man card out, Saying if Hyeran was a man I wouldn’t think the way I do, well that’s sexist especially not knowing my gender which makes it even worse to judge imo

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            It’s ok, I can just cry it out, thanks for having my back!!…..Can you come with me to Happy Sisters, I get brutalized there….rotfl

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            LOLOLOLOL I don’t watch that sorry but I can go over there if you want or need help just tag me and I will come running to assist. Just so you know and it’s all clear and the air is fresh my last comment at the bottom about men and muscles with dicks is not about you, it’s about the #metoo thing and what men think they can get away with and there’s women who think they can get away with shit like that too All good?

          • Ronald Harrington says:


          • DyingtobeinKorea says:


          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            When Barbara Streisand was passed over to get an Oscar nomination for Yentl male members of the academy were interviewed many asked to be anon. Most Comments Were About How Difficult She Wad To Work With while Zothees said she wasa bit of a perfectionist. One male director called her a bitch who pushed too hard to get the movie produced and directing it. Your comment wad like how dsre a woman have a clear vision for herself and follow up in het own way to get there.

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Omg are you fucking kidding me now?? at 1130pm seriously lady. 1 I did not imply that, 2 you need to either learn to spell or lay off the booze while spelling, 3 Texts are usually misconstrued, just like how you blamed Ronald earlier when you should have come at me cuz it was with me that we had the earlier convo. 4 If you cant remember with whom you had your last convo with dont bother coming back to attack them becuz you judge them.

            I know about Barbra Streisand and it’s Barbra not Barbara, you come at me with hot air from google but can’t even spell her name right.

            Yes women have to fight for their place in the “mans” world Always has been like that Probably unfortunately will be like that Why?? becuz there will always be men in the world. But it does not mean that women have to belittle themselves, lower their standards by becoming shit, degrading themselves by stomping on others to get above others whether it’s men or women,
            Respect begets respect, if there isn’t any to begin with well then walk away, and that’s what I am gonna do now with you.

            walking away Don’t comeback and comment on my posts, don’t reply cuz you won’t get this nice version of me the next time round

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            Obviously you enjoy women always being in a man’s world as you put it since according to you has always been that way. Also on screen spelling has errors because of the program correcting while the message is sent.Stop acting like the troll you are and the word is spelled because not the uneducated way you spelled it. You’re just another guy that calls successful unapologetic not regrets that I did what I wanted to do bitches. Just put Ms. Miss or Mrs in front of it cause women like us epitomized by the character of HyeRan aren’t going anywhere and there are even stronger ones behi d us in their teenage years coming. So grow up little troll, grow up!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Yup, that’s me, just another guy LOLOL A guy that keeps telling you, you fuck faced cow for the third fucking time that I AM FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW GO PLAY WITH YOUR FUCKING FUCKED WARPED FACE AND SHIT ASS OPINIONS WHICH NO ONE CARES ABOUT AND GO GET FUCKED CUZ THAT”S WHAT YOU REALLY NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN BITCH!!!!!!!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Now I deleted my last comment cuz I decided I was better than that. As I stated on ep 15 when we first started this nonsense, I AM FEMALE not male. Stop pushing your gender bullshit. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As for me, well I have my own, and if a woman wants to get to the top by stomping on other people, so be it, but don’t come to me asking to sing praises, same goes for a man. PERIOD. This is what I was telling you but you only heard what you wanted hear. Anyway here is a diagram for you to follow and once you read it follow through. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9012da8c130679209112c52b815b03d2adda02874a2220672fb9a6bd3ad76bae.jpg thanks

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            Your abuse has been reported . Guess you thought deletion would stop me from reporting you. It didn’t. Discus was sent the comment in full and they will be contacting the moderators of @dramahood and they will more than likely ban you.

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            You also forget in real life how a guy got into the WH saying A woman with ambition is a bad thing and she held what Jobs Prior: Senator,First Lady And Secretary of State.

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Ok first off I am not one of those idiots that voted for him and his band of idiotic creepers. Second if I was an American which thankfully in this day and age I am not I would have never voted for that ignoramus and his band of idiotic creepers. So please put that to rest

          • Andy O says:

            Yeah, that was me being putting it polite..
            You can always laugh about it, that’s easy. The hard part is to understand whether you’re right or wrong, and in what exactly..

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            you know when there are way too many comments with way too many people, lines get crossed and I don’t mean “lines” I mean like the game Broken telephone Wire” LOL

          • Andy O says:


          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Right and wrong? Come on now. lol

          • Andy O says:

            Ok, if it’s more comfortable with you, call it a different point of view.. :p

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            With all my siblings I had to learn that exact statement early on. Ty for your understanding. lol Seriously no hard feelings, maybe just difference of opinions. ;)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Lmao, well I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers so I had to laugh about it too. (Yes, I’m female lol)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I hear ya, I also stated I may need to watch it again? And yes opinions are like a$$**** everyone’s got one. lol Will ck it out again, butr I sure didn’t get that vibe the entire time she was with Kevin…

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            what vibe was that?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I just didn’t think his comment was sexist? To be honest the only comment that was imho, was the very last one you made about mens muscles and whats between their legs. But then again, I could be wrong?

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            That comment wasn’t about him and you damn well know that, so go back and read all the comments. My comment that specific comment was about “men” who think they can take advantage of women those kind of men Muscle dick men Not Ronald Smfh By the way I called twice and texted

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            So it was Andy who started all this, I knew it…….lol

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            lol no Poor Andy

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Sorry, guess I misunderstood and lost my damn phone running errands. Hoping it’s in the Jeep and not in the yard since it’s raining.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Ok it was ep 3 and at 1:08:30 it appeared to me to start being consensual. Her fists ended up relaxing and she was grabbing his arm as if drawing him to her, but that it my point of view. Seemed to continue into the bedroom? Part of why my view was influenced was the fact she lied to Kevin saying she didn’t think of him or even the time they were together when the first few ep that’s all we saw? With that in mind and what I saw led me to believe that the dynamics had changed. But that’s just me.

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            And me too! Told you, you can watch it 30 times, it won’t change, …..errrrr, just my opinion, no offense, don’t call me names….lol

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            hahahaha wait, didn’t you want to be called genius? Oh, I get ya, you mean bad names. lolol

          • Ronald Harrington says:


          • Andy O says:

            Yeap. Just you..

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            and just maybe@ronald_harrington:disqus lol

          • Ronald Harrington says:


          • paradox.of.fate says:

            hahaha Ya still crack me up. ;)

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            It was never mutual.

    • Iwan Ridwan says:

      idk detail about her flirting whether it is forced or not i’m forget but her first mistake it is right when she choose to abort her child for work….
      ambition in working like that can destroy you

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      True, but she changed her mind somewhere in between I think?

  5. Sa Nd says:

    It’s Misty indeed…..
    I guess the ending leaves us a choice;
    To decide if he out of the tunnel or not…
    And to decide if Hye Ran received those rose…
    And if Hye Ran thinks of Tea Wook as a perfect husband…
    And to decide if Hye Ran is happy now…

    P.S. That call can be from anyone (it’s for us to decide too)…….

    • Iwan Ridwan says:

      rather than open ending like this it is better for the spouse to team up killing the golf player and then both of them getting arrested, it is better twist then hehe

  6. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    @disqus_VoPB6930bX:disqus do you think they will make a show where women won’t have to play goalie on the comment forums? LOL As much as I hate Patrick Roy I have to admit he was one of a kind (at hockey) (everything else he was a piece of shit)

    • Andy O says:

      Never heard of him! Lol

      I doubt it that we’ll have shows like these soon.. Even if we had, they would be unrealistic.. It’s sad but true.

      • DyingtobeinKorea says:

        Patrick Roy was one of the best goalies the Montreal Canadiens Hockey team ever had, he quit right after winning the last cup that we won in 93, he went on to play for Colorado in 94 and won a cup there. He is from the same province I’m from in Canada which is Quebec but I grew up in Montreal speaking English where he grew up in a hick town speaking only french.

        Good cuz to me this show sucked, it had potential and so much of it but they crapped all over it

        • Andy O says:

          Thanks for explaining!

          Oh, too bad! I just loved this drama!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            I am glad you did, I loved the characters, but I think the writers got lost somewhere along the way. Something went missing and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I rated it a 6/10 no more no less :)

          • Andy O says:

            It was so intriguing, we forgot it was a melodrama..
            Melodramas rarely have happy endings.. They mostly have bad or open endings..
            I liked the writer’s style! I’ll definitely watch her next work!
            I loved all characters, too!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            I don’t really have much to say about the ending, open endings don’t bother me that much. I feel as though the story unfolded in the wrong direction, kind of like Return after the lead actress left, the story got away from the writers. Like perhaps it really wasn’t what we really thought in the end, it was really supposed to be an accident but a squabble happened with the actors and blah blah and oops there it is the ending we got so the whole story from the time Myung Woo got out til now changed or something don’t know, like I said to me something was missing or altered lol Writers we all go a little cuckoo sometimes LOL

          • Andy O says:

            Hahah! I don’t know.. I think the writer always intented to finish it in a similar way.
            I didn’t feel like that to me.. I just got scared after i watched 14th episode, because things suddenly got really serious.. It wasn’t that unexpected to me.

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            As long as you liked it that’s all that matters. Now for the waiting game. So many new shows to look forward to. I can’t wait (rubbing hands together) lol

          • Andy O says:

            Yeap! I wish i had the time to watch ’em all!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Most don’t come out til much later. May I think and it’s not like they will disappear lol

          • Andy O says:

            Haha! That’s also true! I just don’t have the patience!
            I’m always tempted to watch them as soon as they start!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Well Life on Mars doesn’t have a date yet so you’re in the clear lol and Suits in at the end of April so technically you’re safe for that too LOL

          • Andy O says:

            I’m more excited about Greasy Melo and Mistress!
            But i want to watch those you mentioned, too!

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Yeah I have both on my list on MDL but both are sometime in April & May but with a question mark so we don’t know when it will air

          • Andy O says:

            I guess i have some time to finish the dramas i started, then! Nice!

  7. Jinan says:

    Another good drama ended ㅠㅠ Wow KNJ what a character she played. tbh her acting before didn’t stand out for me, but really so much respect and a huge round of applause for her, she made a great comeback on all levels.Hopefully she snatches all the awards.
    Such a well-written story, it was smoothly going.tho I’m mad the husband was my first suspect but they showed him so into not believing his wife and trying hard to defend her then what?!!! and I liked the ending. It does make sense, they can’t just have happy ending after all that. And there’s no one to blame everyone is responsible for their own choices.
    I only hope we’ll be seeing more dramas of adult/veteran lead actors in the future.

  8. Iwan Ridwan says:

    i just want to ask…sorry spoiler alert
    what is thiissssss????? can somebody explain it to me
    he just died just by being pushed on his back to the wall like that?
    spinal injury as a cause of death? it is very very rare in the world
    to all of viewer,this is why there is a limit in loving someone eventough it is your family/friend…. i think kang tae wok is in the level of obsessesion, he is jealous and he is hurt by her wife i undestand but he doesnt try anything to confront his father about it and it broke his relationship with his wife

  9. Andy O says:

    I knew the end was gonna be a slap to the face after i watched 14th episode!

    Tae Wook:
    I understand Tae Wook’s decision to commit suicide, a person who already tried it before, he’ll try it again when he feels hopeless: They were never gonna be happy together with Hye Ran, after both knowing the truth about the murder and Myung Woo‘s decision to rot in jail for their sake.
    I also understand that the interview is held with Tae Wook as a guest, so that he’ll get the chance to tell the truth and clear Myung Woo from the charge of Kevin Lee’s murder and possibly save him from getting the death penalty.
    But, Tae Wook commits suicide as his last attempt to be the perfect husband for Hye Ran, while he realizes 1. how difficult it will be for her to hold the interview (and maybe even meaningless as she will deliver the truth anyway, ’cause she always does) and 2. he made the bad choice not telling the truth the day he went to the police to defend her.
    Thus, right before he died he asks Hye Ran if she’s happy now (with his decision to die and let her go)..
    I liked that the writer made his character realistic, he was too good to be true at the beginning, but we slowly saw his faults..

    Ha Myung Woo:
    He is a character i can never understand.. How can one throw his life like that, no matter how much love he has for a person.. I don’t know if it’s admirable or insane. No, it’s definitely insane! I guess love makes you totally insane..

    But both men made the most wrong choices by not believing Hye Ran when she told the truth..

    Hye Ran:
    Although she made some bad choices too about the abortion in the past, and Kevin Lee later, the writer clearly showed us that she followed her dreams, ambitions and convictions and she was always true to them..

    I understood somewhere in the middle that she indeed loved her husband:
    When we watched how she made Tae Wook wait for her at their first meeting, though she was also waiting for him, hiding behind the trees to see how determine he is to have her.. Of course, he already knew she was hiding, so after a while he tried to leave but then she appeared..
    That was exactly the moment when they chose each other..
    She always knew that her husband was the only one who understood and loved her for who she really is, and she always defended him and loved him back. But they both did it their own way.. They didn’t communicate.
    Tae Wook always wanted attention from her and she was too busy going up the ladder as much as could..

    They both struggled to find happiness and they did their best in their own ways, only to find out in the end: they let happiness always slip away from their hands..

    As for me, that’s how i understood it..
    What about you guys?
    I totally loved this drama! I’ll be waiting for the next work of this writer!

    Sorry for the long comment!

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      Not sure how u covered all your words but I agree with everything but Myungwoo. If you tell me how to block my words I can answer LOL

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      So Myungwoo didn’t bother checking with Hyeran before listening to Eunjoo about the jewelers when he went running not sure if he actually got there when Hyeran was still in the store that part was still fuzzy becuz they never really told us the truth. He decided that after spending 20 years in prison life outside was way too hard so he decided his way to protect both Taewook and Hyeran was to go back in. Comfort zone almost for him since he only knew prison life, and murder on the outside,As for Taewook his suicide or supposed suicide was pretty stupid since Myungwoo told him to keep protecting Hyeran and that it would be his punishment, but instead he took the easy way out? So he left Myungwoo hi and dry?? Hyeran would not think he was perfect in the end

    • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

      Thank you. Myung Woo didn’t throw his life away. Most people who spend time in jail have very little if any future in Korea.

    • dutchessdioji says:

      I don’t think Tae Wook felt HR truly loved him. I think he wanted that but felt her career was her one true love. If he felt she truly loved him, then why did he get so mad when Kevin asked, “Did you ever hear her say that she loved you?” Also, (I forget which episode) when HR was asked if she loved her husband she responded, “I need him.” Perhaps, she loved him initially, but that was short lived and ended once she decided to have the abortion and put her career first. IMO, their relationship probably didn’t get past the honeymoon stage before HR decided to put their marriage and whatever feelings she had for her husband on the back burner.
      I totally agree with you that HR “stayed true to her dreams, ambitions, and convictions” but at what cost? Her happiness?

      • Andy O says:

        They both loved each other in their own way..
        Hye Ran would not be able to stay with him and endure his parents if she didn’t.. And they went through the ”let’s divorce” thing a few times, but always ended up staying together..
        The ”i need him” line was just a lie to calm down Kevin Lee.

        Their relationship was problematic for many reasons, but mostly because of lack of communication and trust between them..

        Yes, Hye Ran always chased after her career, mistakenly believing that if she’ll go as high as she can she’ll be happy..
        It was really late when she realized that wasn’t happiness:
        in the last scene, she has the position of her dreams, Korea’s Oprah is a big deal, but that costed her her husband and their marriage..

        • dutchessdioji says:

          Re: “They both loved each other in their own way.. Hye Ran would not be able to stay with him and endure his parents if she didn’t…”
          I guess we differ on that part. People stay together without loving each other all of the time and for various reasons. I.e. The kids, finances, habit, security, etc. IMO, it was just like HR said, she needed him and didn’t he come in handy when her trial came up? ;)

          • Andy O says:

            Lol I see..
            But through the whole drama i didn’t feel it was like that.. The reasons you mentioned couldn’t have influenced their relationship..
            His parents could do that, yet she stayed and wanted to be recognized by his father.
            Moreover, Tae Wook asked for divorce and stayed because he loved her. Later, Hye Ran asked for divorce because she also loved him and didn’t want to hurt him anymore. If she used him, she would have continue doing that without divorcing him. Plus, that happened before the trial, before he became her attorney. So she still needed him in that way, yet she filled for divorce and told him to stay away from the case..
            And even without Tae Wook as a lawyer, Hye Ran would have been acquitted as she was innocent, she and her team also found out why that fake witness came forward…

            They were both already independent, rich and had their own lives.. They could have divorced anytime and marry other persons if loneliness was one of the ”various reasons” you mentioned..
            But they still stayed together and made their own efforts, in their own ways till the end.. Was it a bad choice that they stayed together? Maybe.. But i can’t deny that there was still feelings from both sides. :)

            Anyway, i enjoyed the drama very much! I’m looking forward for more good dramas like this in the future!
            It was nice to hear your thoughts. Thanks, chingu!

    • Iwan Ridwan says:

      i still dont understand how kevin lee died eventough i watched final episodes, tae wook just push him , did he died instantly?
      tae wook is in obsession with hye ran, it is not love but an obsession

  10. Iwan Ridwan says:

    i cant decide which one has better ending. return or misty… both of them are not good for viewers mentally in my opinion

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      lol mentally? It did seem to make me shake my head afterward and feel a little lost. So maybe it was a mental issue. hahaha

  11. Ronald Harrington says:

    “Would you still think I was perfect?”…….Yes………a petty, jealous murderer, but perfect none the less……lol

  12. paradox.of.fate says:

    It was a good drama, but don’t know why I feel like a kid looking for “Waldo” on the back of Life cereal box, just lost.
    Even though I was half right, there was so much I didn’t care for with this last ep, but at least there was closure. We did find out EJ was a bitch in denial from way back and the man I would want to marry is MW! Never cared for HR’s double standards form beginning to end, so wishy washy like me right now.

    • Ronald Harrington says:

      That’s sexist……

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Which part? Waldo? wishy washy? EJ a bitch?

        • Ronald Harrington says:

          I really don’t know, I was called sexist when I said something bad about HR, sooooo

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Lmao Wow! Go for it then!Guess you can count me int then bwahahahaha

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            Don’t be putting words in my mouth I didn’t write! I said that HR did what she had to do as someone from poor socioeconomic status and as a women in a society that discounts both. She had to be ruthless at times and I said that the comments you made were because she’s a woman, if she were a man, nothing would’ve been said.

          • Ronald Harrington says:

            Ummmmm, sorry, I was talking about someone else, did you comment? Let me go back and look…..

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Stop you’re breaking my ribs LOL

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            Ikr! Trying to hzve selecive amnesia like that heffa.

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            I haven’t a clue what you are talking about in your last comment to me which has nothing to do with my comment to@ronald_harrington:disqus about him making me laugh but I can assure you, you’re seriously confused

          • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

            Ok Mimi…Mariah Carey!

  13. Vic Hidden says:


  14. Vic Hidden says:

    I can’t accept this ending. Please someone give me a fanfic asap

  15. dutchessdioji says:

    Eun Joo is blaming everyone else except her cheating husband.

  16. dutchessdioji says:

    All this time Eun Joo has been blaming HR and now it’s finally come out. The realization that, (in Myung Woo’s opinion) it all started with her and had she kept her mouth shut about the jeweler, perhaps their lives would have turned out differently. That had to hurt.
    At first, I felt bad for EJ but with each episode, that changed. For me, it’s bothersome when partners only see one person as the cheater instead of both parties.

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      I agree!!!!! Someone should have run her down with a very large SUV

    • Josepha-Michal Walker says:

      It’s a shame the writers revealed Eun Joo’s jealousy and hatred of HyeRan since high school in less than 15minutes of the episode. Which made it look like she was the most pathetic character and most unsympathetic in the end. Myung Woo hints in that convo between them that she wanted him too in HIgh School but in trying to soil HyeRan she ruined everyone and everything a d still wouldn’t take responsibility for the shit.

  17. Mihael Keehl says:

    The worst end ever !

  18. Oh Hae Young 's Fan says:

    This finale is kinf of a splash of cold water, however after one day it kind of makes sense….

  19. tsinoy says:

    What does the detective accomplished? Tae Wook gets away with murder and he and his wife will emotionally suffer for the rest of their lives.
    Myung Woo’s adoration to HR was extreme and never reciprocated until the end.

  20. drama lover says:

    TW is the caractere i liked the Lost and felt bad for realy he made à wrong descion and to hide it he kept lying i feel that hye ran also was responsible she didn’t primise him love but she also shouldn’t cheated on him eny way it was realy a good drama and i was surprised with the outcome

  21. healer says:

    This is definitely the highest number of comments I have ever seen on DramaHood.

  22. Hye Sung says:

    Finally a realistic kdrama which features real life livehood. Problems faced when the one partner love more than the other one, in-law’s issue, working politics, female status at work, political and social influences these are the matters that most people are facing in order to juggle or climb up the corporate world. Nothing comes without a price tag. Questions – Is it worth it? Will she be happier than before? Is this what she is seeking & holding on? Anyway this is a good drama to remind us to think or ponder about our life.