1 Season 7 Episode

Episode 7 Engsub

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  1. Kayla says:

    Why didn’t it air yesterday??

  2. paradox.of.fate says:

    So proud to see another Rh negative person donating! I’m o negative and have donated every 8 weeks since I turned 18. (Other than babies, sickness and surgeries). They called it the universal blood, but didn’t even know until my surgeries that anyone can use my blood. God willing, I’ll continue to until I can’t anymore. ;)

    • Ronald Harrington says:

      Omg, me too!!! We were separated at birth!!!!!…..But I was told I can’t use anyone elses, I don’t think that is entirely fair………..somehow, someway, I was the only one out of seven kids, Who could give blood for moms heart surgery, they drained me dry, every three days for 8 weeks….mom was more me than her…..lol

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Lolol Told ya!! I’m the only one of 9 kids!! Crazy huh? A gift to your mother that she will always have a part of you in her heart and vice versa… :D <3

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Where are you in rank? Oldest,mid, youngest? I’m the baby even with my twin who is 5 min older than me. lol

    • Naru22 says:

      Wow!!! I’m also o negative here!!!

  3. drama lover says:

    He had the wrong Idea about his father all this Time

  4. Ronald Harrington says:

    Omg, I can’t with this Judges eyes why they are downplaying them, I would shine a light on them and film for half the episode, good thing I’m not the director…

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      Go Ara? The female judge? I’m sure that’s who you’re talking about. She has beautiful eyes, but after seeing her in so many dramas where a;; she did was cry with those eyes…ya kinda don’t want to see them anymore. lol

  5. Ronald Harrington says:

    Sooooo, why would she wait 35 years to tell him these things???? Especially when he calls his dad incompetent. ……sheeeeesh…

  6. Wanna Be says:

    shoutout to the writer

  7. idkwhathappenedtolife says:

    can i just say that i usually don’t ship actors in real life but this is the second time (after leejoon and somi) that i have… OMG the knowing bros episode was everything i cried for an hour omgggg

  8. 문성희 says:

    I like how we see more of the characters story/back story in this episode. I can’t explain but I like this episode maybe because “perfect, always right” Im Ba Reun is learning and his perception of life in general is slowly changing.

  9. dutchessdioji says:

    Watched this episode again. The things you think you know about your parents, but don’t. This is one of my favorite episodes.