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TV Show Title raw/subbed
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 10

Like a Fairy Tale

The King is agitated regarding the palace situation and he is hastening the marriage of crown prince in order to show strong force of the royal family.

Like a Fairy Tale Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 9

The Moment the Door of My Heart Opened

Ra On has deeper thought of the words from the crown prince that he will treat her as a woman. This made Ra On to avoid the crown prince...

The Moment the Door of My Heart Opened Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 8

You Don't Know Anything

Lee Yeong, the crown prince starts to behave as a regent but he has deeper conflict with Kim Heon regarding the Royal Examination. Ra On suffers from not telling the truth of herself after the confession from the crown prince.

You Don't Know Anything Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 7


Lee Yeong, the crown prince and Ra On confuse themselves of their feeling. One day, the rumor go around about a relationship between a Eunich and a court lady. Ra On helps the people whom are involved in the rumor and she fall into danger.

Confession Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 6

When I Want to Tell Untold Secrets

Lee Yeong, the crown prince feels confusing on Ra On as a maiden and he intentionally treats her cold-heartedly. Ma Jong Ja takes Ra On to Mok Tae Gam after hearing a news that he is looking for a soloist at the play.

When I Want to Tell Untold Secrets Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 5

Tell Me Your Wish

Lee Yeong, the crown prince rescued Ra On from the deep pond. Ra On begged forgiveness to Lee Yeong. Furthermore, Mok Tae Gam from Qing requested unreasonable tribute to Joseon and Lee Yeong, the crown prince come into conflict with his father & Kim Heon.

Tell Me Your Wish Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 4

After the Play Ends

Lee Yeong, the crown prince is in charge of the King's 40th birthday and the reception for the Qing's envoy. Furthermore, the crown prince invited Gisaengs from all of the country of the eight provinces and he started to create dance for the Gisaengs.

After the Play Ends Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 3

I'm Behind You

Ra On expected herself to be failed from the exam with reference to become the Eunich. However, owing to the decisive help from the crown prince, Ra On stays at the palace. The king decided to make Lee Yeong, the crown prince as his regent.

I'm Behind You Engsub
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep - 2

The Path to You

Ra On enters the palace as a eunuch, still living under the fake identity of Sam Nom. Although she tries her very best to get out of the palace, her plan fails every time.

The Path to You Engsub
Heartless City Ep - 10 Episode 10 Engsub