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TV Show Title raw/subbed
Shopping King Louie Ep - 2 Episode 2 Engsub
Shopping King Louie Ep - 1 Episode 1 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 17

Episode 17

Gong Sil is acting different since returning to Korea and Joong Won is not happy about it.

Episode 17 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 16

Episode 16

The child ghost, Woo Jin, reappears and begs Gong Sil to save his mother.

Episode 16 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 15

Episode 15

Gong Sil meets someone from her past, meanwhile Yi Ryung finally gets her dinner date with Kang Woo.

Episode 15 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 14

Episode 14

Gong Sil starts her new job helping the ghost matchmaker, meanwhile Secretary Kim is back in Korea.

Episode 14 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 13

Episode 13

Gong Sil asks the ghost matchmaker to help her find a way to save Joong Won.

Episode 13 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 12

Episode 12

Gong Sil meets the ghost of a missing child whose mother is desperately searching for him.

Episode 12 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 11

Episode 11

Gong Sill meets the ghost of Giant Mall's chairman while attending his funeral with Joong Won.

Episode 11 Engsub
Master's Sun Ep - 10

Episode 10

Gong Sil warns Joong Won's aunt that an evil spirit is lurking in Joong Won's engagement present.

Episode 10 Engsub