1 Season 11 Episode

Episode 11 Engsub

Korean Drama Suits Ep 11 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 11 Engsub

Synopsis of Suits Ep 11

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  1. Diana Sonu says:

    I really hate that shirt with stripes. this is like the 5th time I see it :)

  2. paradox.of.fate says:

    Loved Mr Choi’s smirk from the smile he got after handing him the watch. The girlfriend discussion was too cute the whole while in denial! lol
    Feeling even more apprehension from the preview and the fact they have 2 more people in the office out to get em…Ugh!

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      I love the one he had when the young’un walked in and out all dressed up in that ‘damn they did that’ suit… You could see the ‘I envy your youth’ ‘but dammit I was just as fine when I was your age and am not nothing to sneeze at now’ in Choi’s expression, and the ‘that’s my lil homie’ pride in the eyes

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        LMAO!! So true, and so eloquently said!! You nailed it chicka!! lol
        I can sure empathize with Mr. Choi…smdh! Sucks getting older. ;)

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          Truth~ Sucks Dyson hard… LOL

          I love what they’ve done with Choi’s hair and make up this week…and the new camera angles…they’re recapturing his good sides… I read an article the other day about how they inject botox into certain areas of their faces and it makes their faces slim down and then they use those face roller things to recapture that “V” look to their chins…they even go so far as having their chin bones shaved to get that look…eeesshhh…

          Said all that to say that Choi is looking good like he might’ve had a shot or two…

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            The end is ultimately what we see, which is looking hot as usual. lol
            Not anything I would do for my looks. Age comes to us all, I’d rather go out looking natural then puffed up or pulled out. lolol

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

            Girl…you’re a mess…puffed up or pulled out LOLOL

            and Yes…He looks Good!

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            hahahaha dayum good.

    • Kdrama lover says:

      Who are the 2 people who wants to get the

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Thought one was the female prosecutor who had already dug up enough on him to know his secret, and Mr. Ham If they work together…

        • Kdrama lover says:

          I dont thing Mr. Ham and The gemalen prosecuter World together and i dont Think that Mr. Ham is interested in him. The female just wanted a job thats why sej dug up his past not bc she’s out to get them.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I don’t necessarily thinks she out to get him, but I do see her too ambitious and willing to flip sides if need be to get where she wants. Those kind of compromises seem to lack loyalty to me. But you never know right? ;)

          • Kdrama lover says:

            I know what you mean she doesn’t seem trustworthy. Never know how her character will end up.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Yep, the only time I saw her having any emotions was with her art. She definitely reached out to the young man due to her overwhelming passion for his work. At least it wasn’t all based on greed?

  3. sandeep kaur says:

    It’s my third time seeing that café in a drama now lol. (age of youth season 2 & my husband mr oh)

  4. Ronald Harrington says:

    Kinda figured (like any semi intelligent human on the planet, except our lawyer) that “I’m going to tell your daughter on you” is not going to work on scum……sheeeeeesh…

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      Right? I did the yea, that’s gonna NOT work, eye roll and smirk as soon as he exhaled the last syllable…

  5. stellapeable Nunie says:

    im sorry to say this but that BVLGARI perfume exactly the same as what my husband have love it.

  6. JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

    Oh Damn Just DAMN…they CUT that SUIT just so RIGHT…. He looks scrumdiddiliumptious… yess yesss… lol

  7. Riama says:

    If Yeon Woo is the demon, I would swallow him without thinking twice :) lol

  8. KAY says:

    Hmm the original version was still better…