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Episode 12 Engsub

Korean Drama A Korean Odyssey Ep 12 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 12 Engsub

Synopsis of A Korean Odyssey Ep 12

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  1. Cathy Ross says:


  2. stellapeable Nunie says:


  3. Tracy Smith says:

    This should be on the level of Goblin .Damn they are cruel to let us wait for a week

  4. Taj Wkar says:

    What the hell is happening..? Aaah.. can’t wait for subs for this one.. Endings are always making me anxious .. on d top of that one week wait.. uff..

  5. Nimi says:

    woah,i watched it raw and u know i understood it nearly 85%, but after watching ending, i can’t wait for next ep that too whole week:'( :'(

  6. ajul says:

    the trial of love is begin ….

  7. nelo says:

    umm I’m a bit disappointed that the writers decided to make Sun Oh Gong so easily manipulated just for the sake of the story when he’s been built up to be a strong demon so far …. bit of a repetitive plot too….

    • Taj Wkar says:

      Same here… last week it was same track.. Thank god I’m not d only one who felt like this.. But may be this time they wanted to show his brain (which is under evil BuJa’s spell) Vs heart (which is under JSM’s spell ) battle..

      • manak-lover says:

        My another thought is what if Guemgangdo is not controlling SOG anymore. Like maybe Guemgangdo doesn’t influence people if they are in love anymore. Like when he got hurt, Guemgangdo suddenly activated itself so he will follow SJ order. What if Guemgangdo doesn’t influence SOG heart when he is with SJ. Like it doesn’t have to make his love anymore coz it knows he is in love? As with incident with Buja, I think he is playing the role so that he’ll be able to figure something out to get the old buja back. Coz I think the demon Buja is a big character as well. Like she must be someone powerful as well, she is awakened. So there must be something.

    • Tracy Smith says:

      you don’t get it that they have to show that he truly loves her . He was under a spell what you can’t call real love . she could never trust him because it was just a spell he even didn’t trust his feelings . Beside her blood is running through Zombie so yeah she has SJ power as well in her

      • kharmaploy says:

        he is not going to be manipulated that easily, they always do the cliffhanger thing, but watch just like the bookseller hes going to slap a bitch down

        • Tracy Smith says:

          thats the fun part lol but yeah it is there to prove that he is stronger than that

          • kharmaploy says:

            i hope he is pretending to be under control for a while and then all of a sudden hes like nuh uh! at just the right moment

      • nelo says:

        Oh I get that they have to prove he really loves her but having someone mind control Oh Gong and getting him to still love Sun Mi doesn’t prove true love because he still has the bracelet on. And honestly, there has been progress on this plotline since the the freezing of the bracelet episode which extented to the bookkeeper escapade. So, no. The whole mind control thing isn’t really “necessary” to prove anything… and your point doesn’t make it any less repetitive

        And for buja though she has sun mi’s blood, her blood does not have the same effect. This is proven by the fact that no evil spirits came in hordes when she fell bloody from the building… and
        If having sun mi’s blood can give you control of the bracelet, then Mawhang should also be able to do it since he also has sun mi’s blood in him

        If he isn’t actually manipulated then that shows consistency in the character but as @German Elf said, where is the bigger plot that they have been hinting at??? It’s a funny show and I love the comedy in it but the Hong sisters have written better stuff than this

    • Admin A says:

      I’m getting the same “repetitive” vibe. They’ve built up OG’s character as a really strong one so hopefully this scene is going to end up like the bookkeeper’s. But I suppose the “heart vs mind” is something that the Hong sisters wants to showcase.

      • nelo says:

        But the thing is we don’t need a mind vs heart scenario because that was already been there. Remember Oh gong knows he only loves Sun mi because of the bracelet but that doesn’t lessen the “power” of the bracelet. The heart has already “won” the mind ever since Oh gong wore the bracelet. The thing the writers have to prove is whether its true love or fake love which (so far) cannot be proven even if Oh gong overcomes the mind control because of his “love” since we would still not know if its love from his actual heart or love forced on him by the bracelet. So the same dilemma wrapped in a used gift wrapper…

  8. German Elf says:

    I have a feeling the story is not going further… always the same kind of things happen. It’s getting boring… actually the overall plot is really good, but they’re destroying the drama by feeding us with the same things over and over again. What was the point of that american dude anyway? And we already had the “I-want-Sun Oh Gong-to-be-mine-story”, when that book demon came. I also can’t see any character development except for Oh Gong, but that’s partly due to the geumgangdo…

    • kharmaploy says:

      this show is super good. lots of people loved the hell out of i am not a robot and that plot revolved around him not knowing she is a robot, it was pure torture the entire way. this drama is 10x better but people critisize it alot more i feel

      • ydnas says:

        i think i’m not a robot got a lot of criticism in terms of ratings. people didn’t pay attention to it or bothered to watch it. i think it just depends on preference and the individual person. i think this drama got a lot of criticism due to outside factors such as the production drama that happened during it’s first few episodes. i think it heightened people’s expectation of it and if they’re not delivering they’re going to get criticized for it.

      • German Elf says:

        Well, great that a lot of people love it, but for me it lacks a lot, even though it does have great potential. Not sure why you compare this with another drama, but I watch dramas without comparing them.

        • kharmaploy says:

          i am just saying this story is very nicely layered, it is built up and the impact would not be the same otherwise, its is deeply philosophical, breaking down each point would be super cool actually. but to each their own I just wanted to point out that I think this is fantastic writing and delivery

    • Okaybye says:

      I agree. We are already at ep12. Im not really sure who is the real enemy for samjang, what kind of “end of the world” that will happen. We just resolved samjang feeling and what will happen to son oh gong if he didnt listen to samjang (death)
      Still, this is the only drama that i stick and like so far.

      • manak-lover says:

        I think the real enemy to samjang is the President guy. He is the real devil and he is gonna let the hell break loose. I think what Samjang saw in the pot sorta thing is due to politics. Probably the deals that the president might make in future that will destroy the world and all. You know the politics going on now and all, I think they are incorporating that into this a lil bit.. So before that happens SJ should do something to stop it… and SOG is her ally on this. But they also have other missions to accomplish along the way since their fates are entwined. I am sure SJ has a history of how she actually got to see the demons and all…We already knew how she became SJ but we don’t know how she is able to see the demons.

  9. JustMe says:

    This show was sooo much fun. It’s getting repetitive. And dont they have more going on in their lives besides love?? Oh Gong and Mawang comedy bits are so funny but that can’t hold the show on its own…

    • manak-lover says:

      I think there is gonna be alot more. Probably the last two episodes were layed out to build the next episodes.
      In my opinion, I think the history’s will be revealed. Like the Zombie, she is an evil spirit, but she probably came for revenge. I think that President dude is the real enemy for Samjan in this series. Basically, for all of them. He is the most evil out of all and because of him touching the coffin the evil spirit was sorta awakened. I think Son Oh Gong is under her spell because he is either acting or he really is because his powers are limited. According to my understanding, Son Oh Gong is very powerful but since he has the Guemgangdo his power will be restricted unless he has Samjang by his side or Samjang is in real danger. I think the Guemganddo keeps his powers in check. If he is acting, thats probably because he wants to know what the evil spirit is actually planning and he wants to get her out of Buja safely. The demon who possessed Buja must be really powerful, so I am sure MW and SOG has a proper plan to destroyy the devil. I am sure both of them can easily takecare of the demon but I just think they really don’t want Buja to be hurt. I think Buja is also a very important character in this series. I think she will be the one to show that the president is the bad guy. She probably has a lot of roles.
      As for SOG love story, I think he is pretty conflicted. Like he likes SJ, but he doesn’t wanna doe either. I think he also believes that Guemgangdo influences his love life more, so he is sorta unsure of his own feelings. He cares for her but he doesn’t know will he exchange his life for hers..(I think the same too…) Unless he takes out the Guemgangdo, he won’t be sure about his own love coz trusting humans for him is difficult. He is punished becoz a human betrayed him.

      • Tracy Smith says:

        I’m waiting for the President to show his motive . But until know he just killed a girl by accident and tried to cover it up .No special powers or even an indication that he wants world war. In contrary SJ destroyed the tree nobody would reach where this demon was in . Wasn’t OG also caged for 1000 years ? looks like they got caged at the same time. And it looks like she always was in love with him. She already melted seeing him again he must have been her dream. They gave no clues that the president has any special abilities. I even expect him to say finally or I knew it was you but he didn’t have a motive to kill Zombie it was an accident and he doesn’t know how powerful this coffin is he wanted it destroyed . At least this 2 men are finally death but it also eleminated evidance and is her mother death? Zombie has no reason to stay alive beside for PK

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          I went looking for the number of episodes remaining and read some kind of semi spoiler…….I won’t say what I read but you’re on to something according to what I read.

        • manak-lover says:

          Just by few episodes from the president, he can be figured out. Like his character already shows that he loves power way too much. Hiding the fact that he killed someone and can’t say anything shows that he really wants to be the president. He doesn’t have any power, but then he has the power to change how to rule the country. Like the more evil he becomes, the demons can posess him easier. Like if he meets the Shaman and they strike a deal, for sure it eould be something like I’ll make u a king. I think because of the Zombie, true colors of the president will be seen. coz now he keeps hunting her, they will find out who gives the orders and all.

      • JustMe says:

        wow a fair thought-out response! I agree. (hopefully that is just a lay-out to the finale). Ive been told this series was extended to 22 episodes. I also have a feeling it’ll be Sun Mi who will die, (you know the plot-twist) because till now the lay-out seems like SOG is the weak one in the relationship. But what bothers me most till now, is that I think Sun Mi was kinda selfish for not taking of the GGG. Does she not trust him that much? To the point of not minding him dying at her hands?

        • RightToBeRoyal says:

          I think aside from being scared that SOG might kill her as soon as the GGG is taken off of him, she’s also scared to find out if his feelings are real or as MW said is controlled and forced by the GGG. I’m confused though as to why the death bell didn’t ring when SOG had it while he was with Sun Mi but the bell keeps on ringing when she’s with him? I really hope Sun Mi doesn’t die because SOG is just starting to realise that his feelings for her might be real.

          • JustMe says:

            IF one of them dies, it’ll be near the end of the series ;) so we still have a long way to go

        • Oyeniran Zainab says:

          I think she was scared to take it off, as she won’t be able to call SOG anymore when she is in danger and she still has to fulfil her role as samjang

    • tsukichi says:

      i actually feel like compared to eps 9 and 10, in this week’s episode were finally getting some actual developments. I mean the last 2 eps were just seon mi and oh gong all confused. But i think now that we have the apperance of asanyeo we might to get to know more about mawang’s past and also oh gong’s past I also want to see how PK will play out in all this since its his fav younger brother buja involved. Plus its getting angstier with the whole seon mi can kill oh gong.

      • JustMe says:

        Here’s to waiting for next week and hoping for mouvement in the plot! It IS getting angstier… and if it continues down this path, not in a good way.

  10. Foufa Nahla says:

    I really wished that the GGG was taken off by Sg at the end of this episode that would make the awaiting more exciting since last week we had another woman that wanted OG .. I feel like it is going to be the same as the last week without so much change!! I really want to see what happens after The GGG is gone

    • Tracy Smith says:

      It only shows us that she wants to control him . she saw that she did hurt him but doesn’t care enough to get him free

  11. ant says:

    what up with this romantization of abusive relationship.
    it’s not love when someone is hurting

    • Tracy Smith says:

      I also hate it when it is not balanced enough and I get the feeling the guy is giving up himself and is doing everything to please her or vise versa . but it is hard to find a couple who feels exactly the same at the same time . mostly someone is more in love than the other

      • ant says:

        the problem here is the guy love her, he is willing to feel pain because he love her, he’s willing to do everything to please her, even he’s dying

        • Tracy Smith says:

          well partly its not his will at least the heart aching is not what he chose . but there will be something where they prove it is not just a curse

          • kharmaploy says:

            its a punishment from heaven. So that he feels pain! the KFC guy explained it to ma wang. He its forced to love her and in so doing his heart is becoming malleable. There is so much to talk about with this. Like its all really metaphorical, not to mention it reminds me of past abusive relationships and the reasons why we go through them. really really good stuff guys idk why so many love to complain i am so pleased with this show

    • kharmaploy says:

      you obviously dont know anything about a journey to the west, if you read a summary you might get an idea of whats going on, its about spiritual enlightenment and the hong sisters adapted the idea into this awsomenss, look just sit back relax and watch the show

      • ant says:

        you obviously dont know anything about me. doom

        • kharmaploy says:

          lol! thats childish man, sorry if i sounded condescending but i just really like this story and if you know why they are developing the story the way they are it helps people appreciate it,

      • nelo says:

        Lol what?
        The Hong sisters pretty much only took the character names from the book. If you knew anything about the book you would know not to compare the two because they are nothing alike in substance.

  12. KDlover says:

    Watch the live recap here: http://www(dot)bah-doo(dot)com/. It helps to understand the dialogues.

  13. mauigracious_29 says:

    Fudge. i’m not liking where this is going

  14. Cathy Ross says:

    Does Anyone here know’s how many episode this drama will have?

  15. rose says:

    Poor great sage. He gets tossed a lot from side to side. I feel really bad for him

  16. rose says:

    Poor great sage. He gets tossed a lot from side to side. I feel really bad for him

  17. ThatGirl_ says:

    Okay it seems like theres another one that’ll control Son Oh Gong. I’m happy that the writers decided not to kill off Buja just yet but bruuuh TT__TT I AM LIVING FOR THE LEVEL OF PETTINESS BETWEEN MAWANG AND OH GONG THO LOL. That fight with their respective statues is something i’ll always enjoy haha

  18. rose says:

    Omg seriously Bu Ja turned in to an ancient evil spirit that manipulate souls and now she want The great Sage. :( but Sam Jang will win. Because he loves her. 4 more EPs to go.

  19. Theju <3 says:

    no subs :(

  20. Choc96 says:

    WHy is it takes too long to be subs !???

  21. Oh Hae Young 's Fan says:

    I am kind of bored from this show…it’s pretty much all the same…

  22. 댄스 캡틴_JUNG 💊 says:

    I’m reading some text about Sun Wukong where Oh Gong’s character is based. Kinda hoping that it will give me some hints about what’s going to happen to him.

  23. Sammy says:

    THis drama is dope

  24. Doğa says:

    Who cares Bu Ja and other-woman-who-wants-OhGong

    I wanna see end of the world part
    Now we have just 4 ep left…

  25. JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

    Sam Jung’s short term memory aka selective memory and her insistence at being a naive gullible idiot are becoming tiresome. This first 5 minutes has irked me lol

    How could she forget from the first explanation of what happened to SOG and not believe that it would happen again? They explained more than once already…can she not read between the lines especially with all the weird stuff she’s been exposed to? Sighing and pressing play again…to see what else happens or how else they excuse her silliness lol

    • Sena says:

      IKR She has a bird brain

      • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

        She’s almost as ditzy as Dory…but at least Dory was funny! lol

        • Sena says:

          Yes I did. Bad writing …The writer is not creative enough lol 😀😆😂

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

            Idk..the Hong sisters are pretty creative…I’ve usually enjoyed their best past work…this was the first failing I couldn’t overlook as ‘it’s ok’ so much as ‘well damn really? just got lazy, huh’? 😆😂 Maybe it was a timing and budget issue… so they took the easy/lazy way out.

  26. Ishita Chokhani says:

    Its getting sad….but i want a happy ending 😭❤

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      Right? better than Sam Jung. Is it mean for me to say she’s downright ug…eh hem, plain? I keep trying to find ‘pretty’ in her but I’m lost. Maybe she’s one of those that make up makes her physical beauty ‘pop’?

      • tsukichi says:

        i feel like the way day dress her and the make up on her in this drama makes her look “plain” but if you see her in other dramas shes really pretty i t think

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          Yes, she’s probably a very pretty woman off screen and dressed more like a feminine woman with wiles who cares about her appearance in deference to attracting a man as well as feeling pretty or beautiful, for herself.

          Right now the script is laid out for her to be wan and average looking…I suppose it’s to make the story line more appealing and the audience to be more sympathetic to the leads relationship…he falls in love with her even though she’s as she is and not the typical beauty…. but the problem is, the zombie went from being zombie to bombshell and is overshadowing the lead…even the chemistry between sog and buja is following the same path..

          The Hong’s better fix the script so that the sexy and alluring shaman eff’s up pretty big so that sog doesn’t really lose his unbound but geuggom bound (however it’s spelled) love for Sam Jang. And also give SJ a makeover at some point to make her more alluring to the eyes…nothing major cause that wouldn’t be believable in deference to her non sassy / sparkless personality…but something! lol

    • EnzoAbbacchio says:

      I would say that this enhanced Se-Ra (Bu-Ja) just looks good no matter what.

  27. Sena says:

    Noticed BuJa’s hills lol How can she walk on that?

  28. samsoon says:

    So samjang only power is to see gohsts and call son oh gong …. really T.T they need to give her an extra power live Idk killing a shaman with just blowing come on !!!!

  29. drama lover says:

    I just love son oh gong and ma wang sceen so fun to watch
    I don’t think all those demons are that easy to be manipulated i hope it’s just show if not things are not good

  30. 문성희 says:

    I forgot we’re on episode 12 already, it almost feels like we’re still halfway through the drama. >_< Not criticizing, just saying.

  31. Zompa Tenzin says:

    take it off . i hate her hate her million times

  32. Quencent Lim says:

    I think this “just woken up shaman” Ansanyeo thingy wil make the plot thickens, the overturning of the story and the beginning of all the evilest things to happen, the real summons of SamJang…keeping my fingers crossed…this will gonaa be one hell of a ride…Yeah!!! bring it on👊🏼

  33. Nimi says:

    pretending to be friends but enemy in real. lol. but i think oh gong is still better then ma wang, cuz he has never back stabbed him unless he has good reason ;p. correct? but still love them

  34. Nimi says:

    next ep-
    i don’t think she is that much power full who can summon Great Sage and even if he can be, then too he will only do as sam jang( So Min) wants cuz of that contracted love ;)

  35. EnzoAbbacchio says:

    I was already watching it lazily, only for Ma-Wang, Se-Ra and Oh Yeon-Seo, but the awakened shaman awakened me too. Loved it.
    I would say that it’s a safe bet to predict that the “president” will realize that the shaman can give him a enormous power. This will probably transform him in the final level boss.

  36. manak-lover says:

    I think SOG never knew the priestess but the priestess always knew him. Since SOG has always been immature and didn’t care much and lived the way he wanted to not caring about anything he didn’t know the existence of priestess. But I think he felt something when the priestess was awakened. Since they are both 1000+ with immense power I think SOG must have felt something, thats why he asked MW to be sure. Also, figuring out Buja because of the overflowing power and all.

    As for being under Priestess spell, I feel like Guemgangdo is the strongest weapon amongst all. It controls the best, so even if the priestess tries to manipulate his, all it take for him is to see SJ or being called by her. or who know SJ kissing SOG might just re-activate the Guemgangdo again 😂😂😂. As for the priestess motive, I think at first she didn’t really have any. Like she was released and she just wanted to live and all but after seeing SOG, she wants him. Since, he is really powerful and alll so he desires him. But honestly, calling him the sage, equal to heaven doesn’t it mean he is really super strong. Like he has the power that is literally equal to all heaven. SOG must be able to destroy her with his mosquito bat(the way he uses his weapon *flap flap* lol) but the only problem he might have is the manipulation of the soul.

    Looking forward to next week. Hate the cliff-hanger and hate assuming what’s going to happen next and all… But gotta wait.

  37. paradox.of.fate says:

    Just kills me when there is no preview and we have to wait another week. T-T

  38. Ice cream n soda says:

    It’s going interesting….. Waiting waiting

  39. Jiminie kookie says:

    Oh god that girl was crazyyyyy. Why Great Sage dont burn her earlier.uuuuuggggghhhhh. This drama got me fellin like crazyyyy. I just want to say to that evil spirits is a b**ch

  40. Priyadarshini Chongtham says:

    i feel like the proff is an evil spirit himself

  41. ✖️ says:

    This episode is so dry :( Didn’t get to see them all sweet T_T

  42. amanda says:

    it’s not even fully subbed yet?!!! come on.

  43. sleepines says:

    that escalated quickly…

  44. zainab123456 says:

    broooo this ep was sickkk

  45. zainab123456 says:

    this is probably the most hyped drama because many people say it’s kind of like goblin. But I don’t like comparing dramas, and this is different from goblin.

  46. Foufa Nahla says:

    OMG anyone can explain to me how can Buja takes off the GGG and wot the hell the new preview of ep 13 just showed that Ma wang is dead .. I just can’t undestand wot was said cause it’s all too fast … Wot’s happening 😱😱😱https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2df20938744c5c7ea3849b17d65f78948eff16d5226be97663fa6dd4018f2a03.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4fde6270b54a3972f97ae33bdb9d2473a1360e762ec93ea863d443ab4ca65c5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dfe0be1da87e6a3e00a65ac3c5413573fe76a7e95141ff96ca1542422709124f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a2b050e0c41043543b22d1312431c62bfea9e054bc60e44bc7c68f920da66a42.png

  47. Lee Seung GI is such a great actor!! His is play of emotions from when Bu Ja was suddenly thrown off the roof to him looking up at the perpetrators, was amazing!!! I love him soooooo much!!!! 😍😘😘😘

  48. Hahaha it seems like our boy Son Oh Gong is really the most wanted in the Heavenly Realm!! First that Story Book Seller wanted him, now this Shaman also wants him for herself!! Yeesh ladies, the queue for Song Oh Gong must up long, up in Heaven…lol…or hell.

  49. SooHyunFan says:

    Aishhh!!! What the heck! jinjja!!

  50. sashimiiiiiiii says:

    wow i didnt expect to zombie played an important role