1 Season 6 Episode

Episode 9-10 Engsub

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Korean Drama Are You Human? Ep 6 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 9-10 Engsub

Synopsis of Are You Human? Ep 6

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  1. sima says:

    Well this is different almost like borg mom. Falling in love with a robot. I’m excited for the next episode. Hahaha😍😍😍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 crime, romance with a robot, rich guy poor girl, family drama and comedy. I’m fully in now.

    • Iwan Ridwan says:

      it is the first robot drama actually even before borg mom and i’m not robot but for certain reason kbs make it preproduce drama and aired it in 2018 >_<

  2. Iwan Ridwan says:

    the fact that the lead cast are good in frame together really make this drama enjoyable to watch.
    Seo kang joon isan actor that capable of beating the first lead role in cheese in the trap so it is fun watching his acting yohoho

  3. stellapeable Nunie says:

    thats what i like the writer and the PD-nim they give what ive been waiting for lol. unllike Whats wrong with sec,Kim too much skinship but they keeps me frustrated lol.

  4. Snow Carpenters says:

    well shes kind of ingrate the robot save her life and shes acting high and mighty?the mother need to kneel down and who is she anyway?not this type of character make me fall in love hello???

    • baramguk says:

      acting high n mighty? she is scared n part of hersel angry n feel disgusted cos she was fooled by robosin, all she has to do is try to escape from this big scandal/problem n it’s natural reaction. n she NEVER asked his mom to kneel down. after all she accepts to help them. to add robosin kissed her without her consent, i understand if she will be very angry in the next ep.

  5. cindydoo says:

    reporter girl is quite annoying…

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      To say the least!! Another character shot down in flames like wok!

    • Rads ical says:

      I realized this episode I literally hate everyone except Robo Shin, Roomba and David.

      • Naru22 says:

        Haha!!!! Same here!!!! I was feeling the same!!! I was pretty much annoyed with all the characters except first robo shin and I mostly forwarded the epi too!!!

  6. Peg02 says:

    What kind of father can tell his own daughter: “If I catch you, I’ll break your legs!”, considering that she “lost” a leg.

  7. zarax says:

    i think it´s so mean that the mom of the robot shin built a kill switch inside of him and that she will let the robot shin disappear when the real shin wakes up. She built him so she won´t be lonely when she was missing her real son but as soon as the chance of being with the real shin cames she just thinks of him as a robot

    • Tracy Smith says:

      didn’t you noticed her emontionless behavior before ? I knew right away that he is just a project . the funny thing is that her real son is an dick so yeah have fun with your angry son she has no clue how her real son really is

      • CutieGirlie01 says:

        I noticed that too esp when her human son was hit and when she dismissed robot son a few times. I kinda knew she was going to abandon emotionally and use him out of convenience because her human son is back in her.

    • Tracy Smith says:

      and why are you angry at only the mom I feel also anger toward this assistent he is damn rude and cold toward our sweet angel he keeps reminding him how worthless he is

    • Rads ical says:

      It’s horrible. Robo Shin and human Shin are different. They were raised differently so they have distinct personalities. How could she think about killing that beautiful cinnamon roll? David wouldn’t agree either I’m sure. That’s why I love David, he seems to treat both human and Robo Shin as his sons. He doesn’t think of Robo Shin as a robot, I thought the mom was like that but apparently I was wrong and I’m not gonna lie it’s making me cry

  8. Schattendiebin says:

    Wow, and here I was, thinking the mum would be a great character. You can’t just destroy the robot, he’s like a child!?

    • Tracy Smith says:

      didn’t you noticed her emontionless behavior before ? I knew right away that he is just a project . the funny thing is that her real son is an dick so yeah have fun with your angry son

  9. Keala says:

    Am I the only one who feels sorry for the robot? Like yes I know he isn’t human but the way he’s being used and will ultimately (if things go as the mum plans) be destroyed is sad to me. I get it her real son is her real son but like damn to build a kill switch. Ruthless.

  10. FreeSpirit says:

    Damnnn if they do get rid of robot sin .BEWARE THE CONSEQUENCES. TT


    I love robot sin 😦 his character is so cute 😭💜

  12. dori!! says:

    damn it feels weird to see the robot feel emotions. if you can’t tell he reacts to his mom and now the lead girl too because he processes emotions. can the secret kill switch be a heart or a brain? i dont know i just feel hella off because i don’t know if human male lead will have a good personality when we wakes up plus will he be the one who ends up with female lead? or will robot male lead end up with female lead? would the robot male lead start to process other emotions? will the robot male lead be able to become angry and destructive? on the other hand, will the main lead’s mother kill robot male lead off? is the robot male lead gonna magically turn out to be somehow human? is the girl gonna like both at the same time if both robot and human male lead coexist at the same time? so many questions, so much anxiety loll

    • Naru22 says:

      Agreed!!!! So many options and so much anticipations!!!! I’m also so damn curious!!! For now, I think we can see that the robot has started liking the female lead….

  13. paradox.of.fate says:

    Not another Wok!!! What’s up with these writers making the lead woman change into these personalities that you loath! Hard enough to get through a 30 min ep of Wok, now we have an hour of her whining and extortion? UGH!!!

    • Tracy Smith says:

      I agree I was annoyed by her at the beginning but now after his mom switched into evil and the assistent also gives Sin a cold shoulder all he has is her and she does start to trust him . In the end she is the only one protecting him because he has none else who loves him

  14. Tracy Smith says:

    I’m not getting the writters . how smart is it to come with the same car he only had to look out of the window or his assistent could have walked by and showing her where the injured son is while not knowing if they can trust her is also not that smart although ok it may gained a bit of her empathy but still not the smartest move

  15. Peg02 says:

    I think the real Sin would have kissed her too, if he was in this situation!

  16. Rads ical says:

    Spoiler Alert




    I hate the assistant and his mom. She literally raised him like a son, how can she be so cruel and callous as to install a kill switch. She wants him to disappear when human Shin wakes up?! Wtf. I get that he’s a robot but he had a distinct personality. Even if he looks like human Shin his personality is completely different. If you have twins do you get rid of one? No because their personalities are unique, they’re both named Shin but they are so different. I’m literally furious and considering dropping the show because of this. I don’t see how any creator could do that to their machine or how any mother could do that to their son! Robo Shin is both her creation and her son so why would the writers think she would want to get rid of him? She could give him a different face and name if need be. I teared up at this part. Frankly I don’t agree with this plot point at all. Why are all the characters so unlikeable in this show? I’m sticking around for Robo Shin/Roomba bromance and David/Robo Shin fatherly-son bonding. But I’m very close to dropping this now because I’m upset.

  17. paperheart says:

    Omg that ending ahhhh the feels XD That’s one way to refuse a marriage LOL. I always feel bad for robot Shin tho :( He’s slowly adapting human feelings~ he just wants to be treated like the real son and be loved TT I hope the mom never uses the kill switch 😭😭

    • Rads ical says:

      I think his mom is a callous, cold hearted b**ch for installing it in the first place. And she had the nerve to call him her son. That’s not the actions of a mother. I’m really upset because I thought she loved him when he clearly loves her more than his own life

  18. KDrama admirer says:

    Kill switch
    Wow I didn’t expect she would do this to robot Shin 😭😭😭

  19. Rads ical says:

    Aww when he called her a cyborg he looked so hopeful and excited my heart hurts. Tbh I’m really empathizing with Robo Shin. Perhaps a bit too much, but he’s just so lovable and has a perfect cinnamon roll smile I can’t help but love him.

  20. sima says:

    I use to think the real shin was cold but from the flash back with the secretary you can tell he’s lonely and afraid. He can’t just trust anyone. They threatened to kill his mother like his father. If you look at it the real son is like shin he just does things to protect himself emotionally because no one cares more about him that his secretary even though his trust was not 💯. And even though he set it up for the girl to do that in the beginning imagine she would’ve done it without any thought either was. So just by giving in I’d feel she another person on the don’t trust list at the time.

  21. ✨Drama Queen✨ says:

    They might look the same and have the same name but they are completely
    different. I don’t care if the ending is sad but I don’t want her to like
    the real Sin because of Robo Sin [‘_’]
    For his mom he might just be her son’s replacement but I would like her to see that he is so much more than just a robot.

  22. Kayla says:


    AHHHHHH saw the kiss coming when he started searching ahhahahahah

  23. Rads ical says:

    Even the cold hearted assistant can’t look RoboShin in the eye after hearing why the mom did. She’s so cruel and Our cutie is there saying things like “but she is my mom, the mom who made me.” Just break my heart why don’t u?

    • collins13 says:

      I was actually hoping in spite of everything that she’d have some love for robo shin and when the time comes she’d leave her son be and go back to Czech with robo Shin. But now that it’s actually out there it’s so very pitiful :(

      • Tracy Smith says:

        why on earth did you thought she would go back with roboshin when she finally meets her real son ? why would she leave her son after 20 years ? It is one thing to not think about her destroying roboshin but why would anybody think she would leave her son and live a happy live with a robot ? she could have both in their lives but in her mind it would only cause trouble to hide the robot from the world

  24. CutieGirlie01 says:

    I love all their acting! <3

  25. TaeTae Jamed Mochi says:


  26. cindydoo says:

    Why are Shin’s bloody clothes still in trash bags after so long? Trash service???

  27. Ray.Exol.Melody.Monbebe 💜 says:

    Did I just bit my hand ? Yes , I did because i’m TOO EXCITED . It’s been a while since I felt for great Drama like this *_* …
    SEO KANG JOON’s VISIUALS tho .. makes my eyes feel at ease daammnn

  28. CutieGirlie01 says:

    I am glad Go Ara turned down the lead role because Seung Yeon is doing a good job. Kang Joon and Seung Yeon chemistry is the best. I am not saying I hate GO Ara, but this role fits Seung Yeon. She is a good actress.

  29. Aneth Cardoso says:

    So cute!!!! Next episode is going to be epic!

  30. dee2forever says:

    OMG….I am loving this

  31. ClaudiaKdramaFan says:

    I dont’ mind having a personal robot slave like him…..

  32. Ronald Harrington says:

    I am sooooo disillusioned by
    Lawless Lawyer, now this is not too far behind……mom tried to keep Sin away from all this by risking her life, now she wants to risk ALL their lives to “protect his place”?.. WHAT????????well, at least it makes better sense than “Stupid Lawyers do stupid things for stupid reasons (loosely translated)”

  33. Iwan Ridwan says:

    it is easy for her to differentiate robot and human sin since robot sin has so many robots function, but if human shin and robot shin are both actually nice and gentle, it will be hard for her since she is stuck whether to love human or robot lol, you cant guess easily what will happen at the end…. nice drama haha

  34. dutchessdioji says:

    He’s gorgeous! Makes me want to give him all kinds of kisses. ;)

  35. JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

    Why is she acting like an android is such a weird and scary deal? This is the 21st century not the 18th when ‘horseless carriages’ were invented…robotic animation has been around for two centuries now..her reaction is ludicrous.

    Besides he’s not the least bit scary and he saved her life cor Petes’ sake…stahp being silly already.

    • Tracy Smith says:

      I agree with you that he is hell sexy and not scary at all but even when you see 100 shooting on TV it is still different in real life and I haven’t heard anything about Androids walking down our streets there are 0 % in our real life only few ppl work on them right now

      • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

        LOL No I haven’t heard of any androids walking anywhere on our streets here either. Although, I have heard of them being in homes though in limited capacities. Regardless, it’s (androids are) something to be curious about not fearful…Different strokes for different folks…It’s KDrama, and as such is intended to be asininely silly at times…

        Her reaction was of one that was like it was the scariest and most dangerous boogey man who was about to ravish her brutally…and in all fairness, he could if he so was inclined I’m sure but he’s never exhibited that type of behavior and is completely innocuous as she can first hand attest to, since she’d manipulated and deceived him from jump. If anything he should be wary of her! lol

        Thankfully, the epis end relieved that conundrum right?

        • Tracy Smith says:

          lol Blame the Filmindustrie for that lol 90% is about them turning against humanity. I actually watched some guy talking about coming from 200 years into the future everything was regulated you didn’t didn’t to learn anything you got your food and there was a maga computer if you committed a crime he checked if you can be rehabilated if not you got eliminated right away . the food etc was regulated so you didn’t need to work for that

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

            That crazy…hahahah sounds borderline apocalyptic – oh well. I guess IRL one should automatically know better how to differentiate truth from fiction….lol but in a fictional drama, you’d think that there’d be some ‘realism’ to the chicks mind but obviously not! Even still, her reaction was over the top for a fictional drama. They’ll get their ratings somehows lol

  36. FangsUp ✨ says:

    How the writers came up with such a selfish character as Laura? Didn’t she raised android Sin as his own son? now she wants to get rid of him just because he isn’t useful anymore.
    And SoBong ugh, don’t let me even start, girl can you please stop overreacting? for god’s sake HE EVEN SAVED YOUR LIFE
    Honestly the only things stoping me from droping this serie are Android Sin, David (he should take android Sin to Czech republic and live there together) and the vacuum cleaner, i missed it on this episode.

  37. x*%$@kl% says:

    the way he wink is hella addicting. Roboshin, will u just marry me already?

  38. TaeTae Jamed Mochi says:

    😱 can’t wait for another ep!!

  39. kez says:

    I think this shows the true nature of humans, sad but true.
    What most people think will happen:
    Robo shin turning hostile due to the betrayal
    Human shin waking up and ends up falling for the girl

    • Tracy Smith says:

      Why would he fall in love with the girl ? He has no memories of them being together and sharing this moments beside he would have to learn to love his mom. even if he missed her they are total strangers they would at least need time to talk to get to know each other . His grandpa is dying so another problem he has to deal with when he wakes up and he can’t force her to love him !!! She spends time with the robot and falls in love with the robot not the spoilt human

      • kez says:

        Would the writer rather have both men alive at the end. If they have a chnce to save one who would it be?

        • Tracy Smith says:

          obviously it is a moral question and humans are kind of above robots .normally robots don’t have emotions it only bothers us to see a robot gone because we see his human reactions and kindness our own empathy force us to want to protect what is good . he did nothing wrong until now and shows devotion and love toward his mother so we do like him . I could see the writers doing 3 things 1.) turning him evil so it is justified to kill him because he got out of control 2.) letting him go back with her to Chez republic and live in secret 3.) let the world know about both of them and educate people about AI and that they are not dangerous . they could be like brothers .

          • kez says:

            Not sure about the third one, I would like that to happen….or when human shin wakes up and learns about robo shin, will want what is his. A lot of heartbreak to come because I don’t see a way around it.
            Who is the real bad guy in this drama?

          • Tracy Smith says:

            The grandpa. he threatened a kid to kill his mom if he disobey this is evil. Technically the mom is doing nothing illegal he is a robot you can throw your laptop away without anything happen to you the only reason we don’t want it to happen is that we see human futures in him which we adore . It depends on the writers if they want to show how scary AI is or how positive it is . A part of me thinks that it will be revealed that there are 2 of them and that is when they can live next to each other . Roboshin isn’t taking anything away from the real Shin we doesn’t need fancy cars etc etc and he can be a huge help in the company it is always easier to work together than against each other he would have a partner in crime for life . the question is how will our RoboShin react when his loved ones get old and die in front of him . He is like this immortal vampires , living for centuries and seeing everyone they love die

          • kez says:

            Well it is true, the writer may want to show the positive of AI or the ugly side of human beings. If they end up killing RS they had better justify it.
            Another plot is having the bodyguard know of the kill switch and she will try to protect RS.
            I don’t really hate the secretary’s character but he is overly loyal I wish it is genuine, i hope they reveal his story next episode.

          • Tracy Smith says:

            The killer switch did get to him but he was cold and bossy and only saw him a short time replacement I doubt that RS wants to be the boss but he wants to be treated fairly . He is amazing showing the hurt in him he wants no harm he wants to be loved

  40. x*%$@kl% says:

    i just hope at the end roboshin dad (the mom’s friend) run away with roboshin. At least there one person that genuinely love him :'(

  41. Humayra Alam says:

    Is the next episode coming out today or next week???

  42. drama lover says:

    Okay i know he is a robot and all but Come on After doing his Work toi are going to destroy it he’s been with her for Manu Years she Can just change his face and keep leaving with her

  43. Miss-Gaara Rose says:

    The mom is grade A asshole. Also dont like the assistant either, but he didnt look that happy hearing about the kill switch. I really hope robo shin goes MIA and just let them screw off. The only person I like in this drama is robo shin. The lead actress is redeeming herself too but she is a slippy one.

  44. Rads ical says:

    Lmao I’m laughing hard right now because I just watched a clip of Seo Kang Joon from Cheese in trap and all the comments were about how they want him to have a lead role. Now he has a lead role but even as a lead he’s somehow still the second male lead too lmao.

  45. victoria tyler says:

    omg world cup..you are ruining my drama life. it was bad enough i can’t watch come and hug me…but now this show too?? :(((

  46. victoria tyler says:

    can somebody suggest me some good dramas? i need to fill this whole in my heart

  47. Gae Jeong Ppal says:

    Tbh there’s so many annoying people in this drama, Shin’s personal secretary is arrogant af, the evil man who seems addicted to blood, So Bong’s friend aka the reporter is dense af, and So Bong is fuckin annoying!! I seriously hate her character even since the first episode. I only watch this because of Seo Kang Joon, but I think I’ll drop this 😑

  48. TaeTae Jamed Mochi says:

    M soooooo dying for the next ep!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  49. tasnim says:

    Kiss by a robot 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    What has the world come to