1 Season 24 Episode

Episode 24 Engsub

Korean Drama I Am Not a Robot Ep 24 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 24 Engsub

Synopsis of I Am Not a Robot Ep 24

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  1. Zam Well says:

    no preview guys…

  2. Miyu says:

    Wow his allergy is back 😭😭

  3. Grey Apple says:

    Let me guess what will she do. She will hug him and then kiss him, and then tell him that she love him… After that his allergy will be gone immediately LOL

    • Maria says:

      I wish lol I don’t mind that tbh I’ll take anything at this point

    • Omegus says:

      LOL, I agree 100%. Typical K-drama ending. I could see this “betrayal” coming from a mile away.

    • amanda says:

      let’s hope you are in the writer’s mind channeling that thought 24hrs a day everyday til next week

    • ant says:

      he’ll dying on her lap, she hug him tight and then her tears drop on his allergic face, and baam…it’s healed
      I stay cool, and told to myself, he wouldn’t die

    • cindydoo says:

      It is worry some – he said he didn’t bring his shot – so if she doen’t save him – he’ll die.

    • Lyndsay Alphey says:

      I think he will leave…😂😂😂Angry and dome episodes of crying bitterly for betrayal will follow n he will get sick blah blah😂😂😂😂🙊🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🙊

  4. Nora Lay says:

    how can i wait another 7 days in this type of ending and no preview >.<

  5. Ayesa says:

    As predicted yesterday, of course they stop at that precise moment and without any preview too!!! This show’s killing me with its cliffhangers. As if Yoo Seung-ho’s eyes weren’t expressive enough to give me a heartattack, they had to make me wait for another friggin’ week!!! Drives me crazeh!

  6. APRIL JORVEN says:

    yea, that was indeed the preview of the end of ep 24, nice! kinda drives you crazy that we hv to go through the agony of waiting when we just did that prior to this, hahaha. ok, we still hv the subs to look forward to so …. inner peace.

  7. 강한 ~ says:

    How there is no preview !!! how can we wait another week !! omg I can’t wait anymore ugh >*<

  8. stellapeable Nunie says:

    and then the classic kdrama routine lol..hoping the writer wont take too long tp have their romance rolling for real.

  9. DemonLordie says:


  10. Filesiles Magar says:

    Dont worry viewers scriptwriter is not that much fool…he will hang us in another episode as well…he will.make something which will be unexpected…😂😂😂wait for it

    • amanda says:

      i feel like this drama contains a lot of those like way way too many!!

    • Sanjana says:

      I doubt he will drag it much now like I hate to say this but no many episodes left, I want them to get together so bad but then I equally don’t want the show to end

  11. ydnas says:

    Despite the horrible wait, we all know that he won’t die or anything since he’s the lead. He might feel betrayed and extremely hurt but they’ll overcome it. It’s been long overdue that the whole truth is revealed so I’m excited to see how it’ll all play out!

  12. Schattendiebin says:

    And just like I predicted: He finds out through his necklace. Ah, it was so wonderful … And he has his medicine with him, so he’ll be fine.
    I’m surprised they’re trying to include a (kinda forgotten) sub story line with all the CEO drama, I mean, the show will be over in just two weeks (don’t even wanna think about that, I’ll miss Yoo Seung-ho like crazy), they should concentrate on getting the lead characters together

    • Omegus says:

      I skipped through it all. It’s such a waste. I don’t care about Hong and Pai’s love story nor the CEO stealing Aji 3. Aji 3 served her purpose, so her story ended. Just get on with the main course.

    • amanda says:

      don’t know why they bothered casting the old people too so not interesting they neglected it too much from the start so not interesting at all, in fact i don’t mind if he lost his position company is still his and he got shares, he still gonna get PAID!!!!!!!

    • ydnas says:

      I think because it helps to create characterization. They are less important but still serve a purpose to the main plot or storyline. With the side storylines, we understand the main characters a bit more and it’s a change of pace or mood for the story. Without the CEO drama, we wouldn’t really know how or why Min Kyu became the way he is. It helps us to see how and why he developed his issue and why it’s hard for him to overcome it. Despite sort of overcoming it, they are still out to hurt or betray him which can cause his issue to remain. Also, the writers have to find an ending for the subplots they introduce. Although, I do agree that I much rather see Yoo Seung Ho on screen more but I would be kind of annoyed if they just threw the subplots out the door because I’ll be left wondering what happened to them even if I don’t care as much, hahah.

    • FeelTheFriction says:

      Yeah it makes no sense to me what the CEO’s plan is. Kim Min Kyu is not the public face of the company. He’s not the CEO. He was (is?) the major shareholder. I’m sure the writers will pretend and have a giant board meeting… but in real life nobody is going to give a damn if the major shareholder gets publicly swindled. At best they can kick him off the board… which would never happen unless they found detailed proof of illegal wrongdoing or lack of mental competence. One 30 second clip isn’t changing anything.

      I’m also not a fan of Ri El who went from a tough realist to a hopeless romantic at the slightest bit of flirting and affection from the CEO. Not everyone needs to be paired up.

    • Wigsnatched says:

      yup the drama about the company seems so irrelevant at this point . just get them together ASAP!!

  13. Captain Jung says:

    I just want to end all the pain that you are going through Min-Kyussi 😭 it hurts to see you cry 😭 Yoo SeungHossi jjang!!! the only actor who made me feel the pain of his character.😭😭😭

  14. amanda says:

    DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Ola Niedźwiedzka says:

    the next
    please. :’)

  16. elfrien_rin says:

    Kinda expected he’d find out.. But would she probably use what he told her when they were locked in and tell him that he was the one made her feel important?

    Ahhh I feel so sad for her :(

  17. Maria says:


  18. Sanjana says:

    Oh my days!!!! R these writers insane, do they want to kill viewers or something like such an intense scene and what do they do…they finish the episode and don’t even GIVE US A PREVIEW!!!!! Ahh i love this drama too much, my heart can’t take it

  19. Lia Kholifia says:

    No preview . Another a week i should wait omg i cant help myself not to curious:(((

  20. paradox.of.fate says:

    Wow we were one step closer with the perfect “we got stuck in the same building over night scenario” to being 5 steps back with the allergy breakout. UGH!!!

  21. bree says:

    Luvin all the comments 😘

  22. kkiittyy says:


  23. Mahzabeen Alam Maria says:

    Waiting for another 7 days is going to be tough!!! 😭

  24. Lais Sandy says:

    Jia and Minkyu needs to get back together in the first half of the next epidode so that the lasts episodes be just them beeing happy and nothing about the company. I just want them to be happy and together!!!! There’s too much sad episodes already!!!!!

  25. ant says:

    this drama kinda has beauty and the beast feel.
    the rich prince who live alone in his castle. the cleaning robots are the living dishes. the allergie changes him to a monster.
    she got there because someone made a mistake and she need to stay there, and then they fell in love.
    the prince in soon dying and the beauty will hug him and tell him that she love him, in tears, and he’ll be living just fine, and cured from his curse

  26. cottoncandy says:

    what and that’s it where is the preview where is ittttttt *sight*. i mean we need to calm down you guys he won’t die right!!!! he won’t but instead she will help him and she will have to stay with him until he gets better and maybe they will talk it out or something.
    not freaking out at all

    • amanda says:

      right……………………..even though we know that’s something we can’t help we’ll freak all the way to next week

      • Naru22 says:

        Exactly… And I don’t have a good feeling actually. I’m pretty sure the next Wednesday epi would be one hell of an episode…. He would feel everyone betrayed him. He would lose at company too…. Everything bad is going to happen….

  27. weewoowee says:

    ri el deserves so much better than that ceo guy she’s such a strong and honest woman who stands her ground and i was so happy when she told him off last episode. if she still gets together with the ceo as he is rn i’ll be so mad

  28. Omegus says:

    Lmao, I don’t know this made me laugh….and this was right at the ending too. ><

  29. 杨洋 says:

    My prediction is that now he’s going to be unallergic to everyone except for ji ah

  30. bty db says:

    Where’s the preview? This drama is so good. Why can’t they air it everyday? Can’t wait for a week.ghosh!!!!

  31. Black says:


  32. Ino Yong Senpei says:

    this comment😂

  33. Afrin says:


  34. Cheonzar says:

    this drama is haunting me all week long

  35. Isabell-Mari says:

    I read the comments and decided …. NAH BRAH i cant take a week of torment and havent watched the last episode yet. imma watch it in a few days when episode 28 is out =) BINGEWATCH!!

  36. Karen Hall says:

    annoying how the robot is lamely developed.She suppose to be able to hack n fight not just be a slave to a master. stupes