1 Season 24 Episode

Episode 24 Engsub

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  1. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    @paradoxoffate:disqus I forgot to tell you!!!! Voice and Signal are getting a 2nd season!!! this year!!!!!! whoo hooo!!! :) :) :) :)

  2. Shawna Edwards says:


  3. Josepha-Michal Walker says:

    why does Boo Cheon’s Mom get out of jail? wench! how??? how??
    She ain’t crazy! This is all an act!! Remember she said she didn’t like jail clothes…

    • amanda says:

      kdrama rules the baddest ones never get what they deserve either a mental breakdown or a cancer is always what happens don’t know why female villains end up with the pity party not a life sentence

    • Claudia Keller says:

      She is at psychiatric clinic maybe, but I think she is faking it tho…

  4. amanda says:

    33:00, as jang hyuk’s wife i would not be okay with this kind of eye contact. i salute her bravery, trust and willingness to shre this man’s eyes with us,……”we know that the distance between us cannot be shortened, but we will keep the man who robbed our love in our hearts”

  5. amanda says:

    so no girl, that’s it not even a kiss……..wtf man. anyway the stabbing didn’t make sense though i mean why wait till now, but it was a great drama, and all the jangs going to prison wonder why boo cheon didn’t he was involved. thanks you dramahood for the drama and thank you jang hyuk oppa and the crew for all your hard work it must’ve been soooooooooo cooooollllllldddddd!!

  6. ShibaTatsuya1263 says:

    10/10 ign bebe~

  7. 5Zero4 says:

    Let’s see…Executive Jung lost everything including her mind. I expected Pil Joo to die at some point for everything to go full circle, but him surviving isn’t too bad. He gets to live the life his mother wanted him to live.

  8. paradox.of.fate says:

    Well her loss is our gain, too bad for her! lol Kinda anticlimactic ending, but would watch it all over again to see those mesmerizing eyes. Going to miss seeing my 1st love, but looking forward to what he will bring in the future.

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      I liked the end, kinda made me think of a possibility of a part 2??? No?

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Sure did. I don’t mind open end dramas. At least it’s not like the others that make you believe it will have a second then they don’t Pisses me off. lol

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          still waiting for Misty ep 2 subs so I will start watching ep 1 now . Did you watch it yet?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Sure did. It looks pretty good. At least it’s not a typical woman can’t do anything but cook and clean. She’s smart and fights her fights, but has issues. lol

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:


          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Just finished “Age of blood” pretty good. For some reason it showed 2 episodes, so I was disappointed when it finished. Wanted more. He’s a cutie. ;)

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            That’s hilarious cuz when I mentioned earlier that I was waiting for subs for ep 2 of Misty I was about to watch Age of Blood LOL then realized the time and decided to watch ep 1 of Misty cuz 2 was ready elsewhere so by the time I finished 1 2 would be ready HAHAH Great minds huh lol

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Got the esp going on, oh and also great minds. hahaha Well Misty ep 2 is even more intense, which I didn’t think was possible. Holy toledo, haven’t seen a drama start out so intense, hope it doesn’t peter out cuz it has my attention.

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            oh? ok we’ll see cuz I didn’t find ep 1 intense at all, actually found it quite slow just like Money in the beginning :)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Just wait… lol I thought the same thing, then watched 2. Maybe it became more intense because that sexy Kevin Lee only made it that way. I felt her pain, but she sure brought it on herself. So damn high and mighty. lol

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            Gonna watch now . We shall see. fingers crossed if not it’s Age of Blood for me LOL

      • Claudia Keller says:

        Exactly that’s what I thought so many plot lines open even Executive Jung I think she is faking being crazy tho…

  9. niagirl says:

    Part 2, pretty please!

  10. 6960x says:

    I watched this drama without commenting once because I felt every episode was a work of art but this ending? This ending has a few scenes that are just questionable? I understand the revenge plot and yes, Pil Joo had a much bigger goal and did not have time for romance as well as the fact that he felt apologetic to Mo Hyun, but come on? not one kiss? even till the end? Then, who was that extra claiming to be a Jang to the point where he even stabbed Pil Joo? that was sooo unnecessary but ok [the writer knows best, I guess]. Why did Yeo Cheon get only one year of imprisonment when he instigated murder? and Pil Joo got three even after being the reason for all their wrongdoings to be exposed?! I’m done ranting now but all in all, this drama was art. I loved every bit of it including the torture of waiting weekly. Thanks MBC! But seriously you guys need to look into wrapping things up properly, this shaky ending also happened in I’m Not A Robot. Like?!

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      I agree with everything you said but one tiny thing, that weasel Yeocheon instigated suicide not murder lol huge difference in Korean law haha It’s almost like manslaughter without bodily harm hahaha. Second you forgot the end of Oh The Mysterious if you watched that. That ending too was a complete and utter cluster f*ck :)

    • Claudia Keller says:

      There were so many plot lines open, I wonder if they are going to hint for a season 2…..

    • MamaDrama says:

      The crazy guy that stabbed him was one of his Grandfather’s bastards that he’d never acknowledge. Most just assumed that they’ll never end up together. Still once you view this from a psychological, multi dimensional aspect they give you the clues that this isn’t true. He gave her all the information even to imprison him, but what he did NOT do, is allow her to leave him. His view is she’s his, and he told her to stay for a reason. In their last scene when he stepped close to her, never taking his gaze away. Their body language said all they didn’t say. He needn’t ask her to wait for him, just make sure that she would be there once he gets out, and comes back in. This time also allowed her to not only get a bit of payback, but to forgive him for using her for his. Which indicates her forgiveness once she sent him the documentation. The way she grabbed his hand when he was about to leave is deep as well. They didn’t rush into anything, he did his time, paid for his crimes. Then once he was free, the show is purposely showing that they will end up together again. It didn’t end with him getting his woman, but they do show that he will end up with her eventually.

  11. Athena Gliddon says:

    The stabbing seemed utterly unnecessary, and it isn’t the very best revenge until you also get the girl at the end. Still, this was a great series. I don’t usually go in for revenge drama, but this one was quite the ride.

  12. noona park says:

    Wow!!! Clap clap clap champion!! Very satisfied.. this is intelligent drama, all the actors, the story, every places they took the scene, directing every conversation around of applause 👏🏻..

    Every drama of JH drama or movie i’ve watched they are very good..he is a versatile actor..

  13. Shannon Vonk Sutorius says:

    I’m pretty sure the dramatist decided to take shrooms before he wrote the last episode. That was trippy!! All in all I loved this Drama! I’m frustrated with the lack of physical contact between to two leads. Mostly I’m dissapointed that I didn’t get to see one deep kiss??!!!! At the very least there should have been some neck kissing.

  14. Jinan says:

    It’s hard to say goodbye to such a brilliant plot ,superb acting and excellent directing. Which lately I missed finding in some dramas. Everyone did amazing I enjoyed watching a lot, every ep was incredible, it had lots of cliffhangers. Def gonna miss it. Hopefully the next drama will be as good as money flower.

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      The show that comes after Money Flower is My Husband Oh Jak Doo and it’s also 24 episodes starts Mar 3, 2018 but with the Olympics not sure how all the MBC shows are gonna pan out :)

      • Jinan says:

        Ohh it’s gonna be along wait then…

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          Maybe maube not. Not sure how they will function with MBC and the Olympics I do know that MBC is the major network for them just like NBC is the US one and CTV is the Canadian one but who knows what they will do. Reg shows should still air

          • Jinan says:

            Same.. I was excited when KHJ was offered the role first but unfortunately she didn’t take it. But I know I’ll see the first ep then judge.

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:

            KHJ?? so many of those abbreves LOL Kim Kang Woo irritates me and Uee is so thin that it hurts my eyes to watch her

  15. MamaDrama says:

    Most just assumed that they’ll never end up together. Still once you view this from a psychological, multi dimensional aspect they give you the clues that this isn’t true. He gave her all the information even to imprison him, but what he did NOT do, is allow her to leave him. His view is she’s his, and he told her to stay for a reason. In their last scene when he stepped close to her, never taking his gaze away. Their body language said all they didn’t say. He needn’t ask her to wait for him, just make sure that she would be there once he gets out, and comes back in. This time also allowed her to not only get a bit of payback, but to forgive him for using her for his. Which indicates her forgiveness once she sent him the documentation. The way she grabbed his hand when he was about to leave is deep as well. They didn’t rush into anything, he did his time, paid for his crimes. Then once he was free, the show is purposely showing that they will end up together again. It didn’t end with him getting his woman, but they do show that he will end up with her eventually.

  16. Jang Hyuk is such a great actor!!! Can’t wait for your next drama,my love.

  17. UriDijun says:

    Hahahah, hold on, so… his grandfather kept his mother will where she calls him Pil Joo ? Just… what?!?!
    Tbh a bit disappointed about her losing her mind, she should be aware of all the shit she did and its consequences, here, again, CB suffers by himself.
    Have to agree that the knife was unnecessary.
    Despite that, quite satisfactory end, how the old man who was all about blood relation be and see his entire family going to jail, that he succeeded in his revenge, that there was no nonsense romance with a happy family out of nowhere… Good drama, with JH’s amazing skills!