1 Season 3 Episode

Episode 3 Engsub

Korean Drama Sketch Ep 3 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 3 Engsub

Synopsis of Sketch Ep 3

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  1. paradox.of.fate says:

    Why do I get the feeling the subs are going to take a long time on this? Maybe because I’ve been waiting on it for week? No complaints to the subbers, thank you in advance. My error starting it too early. lol ;)

  2. Kacy Kim says:


  3. Ronald Harrington says:

    Here’s what I don’t get, on her way to the guy in the “sketch” she must have passed 3 rapes, five drunk drivers and 16 wife beaters, why so fixated on the scribbles, the very act of trying to save them creates more deaths, am I the only one seeing that?? Is the weird guy really the only one who studied causality?

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      Can’t say the sketches create more death, but yeah I’m sure there are other crimes they could pursue. This group was created for this purpose though? I think the weird guy and the young girl that both possess the similar abilities are related? Father daughter? They are also interpreting the sketches and they do make mistakes like the paint. I’m interested in why they are given the ability to find these “bad” guys. Enough to keep me interested and at least the acting and directing seem to be pretty good huh?

      • Ronald Harrington says:

        Oh, without question, but remember they “saved” someone, and “caused” the death of two more??? Not the best tradeoff in my book, but, the sense of accomplishment is worth the deaths, I guess….

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          Hahaha you never let me down, still dripping. lol I did forget about that, but now I’m wondering if that was really due to saving someone? Need more info on their abilities, both of them and if they are aware that penalties are created by changing the plan. So if the crazy whack job who is the CEO survives then not just the 360 plus kids, but double will die? If that’s the case, hope the mercenary (ex military whistleblower) escapes death! Shoot I might just become his cheerleader! lol

  4. paradox.of.fate says:

    I’m really liking this drama. Got a few pet peeves, but it doesn’t make it intolerable. lol

    • Ronald Harrington says:

      Nope, I agree…….Rain makes it intolerable……..but that lisp though….lol

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        One of my pet peeves is the clothes he wears. Particularly his “old man” pants. When I first saw him walking down the street with those britches and sneakers I seriously thought it was a old man. I know it nit picky, but definitely catches my attention each ep. UGH!! lmao

  5. Ronald Harrington says:

    Hahahaha…..if you are joking, touche, that is hilarious!!! If not, the rooster does not “cause” the sun to rise , but by crowing he wakes up everyone on the farm…..causality…..ergo, the sun, indeed, does cause everyone on the farm to rise…..

  6. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    @ronald_harrington:disqus why do you have such a problem with Rain? This is my first drama with him in it and I am liking him a lot. Also I can barely hear a lisp, not sure what you are hearing nut… I know he isn’t from Seoul so his dialect isn’t from there, it’s softer more articulate, maybe that’s what you’re hearing? I usually hear lisps and freak out lol But I can barely hear anything from this guy

    • Ronald Harrington says:

      He’s worked very hard to fix it and I gave him props for that, kudos, but go to Netflix and watch him in Ninja Assassin , speaking english, you can pick it up better (great movie, and I don’t really dislike him, just being hmmmmm, moody? Don’t tell anyone, our secret…..no one else can read in the brackets right?)

  7. Sugamasta says:

    3 minutes in and I’m speechless like he gave his soul to the devil, stopping crimes by committing one and what’s annoying the most is that he deadass agreed on killing an innocent person for the sake of caring out a cruel “”mission””” I thought his wife said that he’s a righteous man maybe not like yes I get it he’s sad and hurt and lost all faith in humanity but making decisions when you’re emotionally unstable is wrong oofff

  8. Sip On says:

    that fight scene was oh so good. LDG, you’re such a good actor!


  10. but why the soldier gotta be sexy :(((((

  11. drama lover says:

    Kang Dong so is so reckless being cop for years he sgouls know better but he is just out like mad dog which is something i understand After he Lost his fiancée but if he want to catch the Killer he should focus and calme down a bit

  12. Dark King Silvers Rayleigh says:

    Oh my efffin god. Soldier is so damn hot 🌋🗻🌡i’m melting 🖤🖤🖤