1 Season 6 Episode

Episode 6 Engsub

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  1. FreeSpirit says:


    • DyingtobeinKorea says:


      Did you watch Life on Mars yet?? if not go watch!!! So Good!! They changed the beginning from the UK + the US version and it’s so much better!!

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Think I will wait til the 2nd ep comes out and watch them together. Wishe I had the patience to wait for all of them. lol

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          It was so good!!! and I tagged you with the first song!! They changed it up a bit but man was it good and I couldn’t wait any longer to watch!!

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lol no worries! I knew you were waiting on that one. Based on your response it sounds like it’s gonna be a good one, hence why I thought I would wait a day, but now you almost got me convinced to watch it tonight. lol

          • DyingtobeinKorea says:


          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Ok can’t wait. lol

      • FreeSpirit says:


  2. paradox.of.fate says:

    Going to get him a glass of water wasn’t written into the script very well? I mean the guy stopped in the middle of calling him a murderer of Dr. Oh and then decided he would get him a glass of water? wth? What’s worse is the detective said “oh well, how kind of you” and drank it? Mighty weak….lol

    • DyingtobeinKorea says:

      But I think Rain told everyone his plan before he left I mean before he called the whackjob doc lol

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        That I understand, but it all still looked very odd. I mean he drank the water even though he thought it was drugged? It’s not like he knew what kind of drug or even poison at that point. The whackjob Dr. got what he wanted he could have just killed him then. You know what I mean right? lol

        • DyingtobeinKorea says:

          I’m sure he knew that the whackjob wasn’t gonna kill him right away, that his plan was to have the two of them fight, and he was right :)

  3. Dmmit rain and dojin gonna be chasing eachother til the ending of the drama gosh its annoying, bet they gon become freinds

  4. 문성희 says:

    Il Soo’s brother and his thugs still lay unconscious? For how long? LMAO

  5. 문성희 says:

    Also she got shot in the leg and they treated her wound alright but her pants are still on? Shouldn’t they cut or fold the pants to treat the wound? Not being too critical, I’m still watching.. it’s just those little things I noticed LOL.

  6. Dark King Silvers Rayleigh says:

    The script is so lame come on writers!!! Only enhanced by amazing actors