1 Season 6 Episode

Episode 6 Engsub

Korean Drama Suits Ep 6 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 6 Engsub

Synopsis of Suits Ep 6

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  1. JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

    Oh the dumbfuckery….

    Oh the spot on analogies….that made him weak…..

    Both leads have some trials coming for them…

    Let’s see how they clean this up.

  2. KAY says:

    That stupid rabbit. It ruined his chances…

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      Right? with her insecurity and jealousies… If you want to know something and get your answer don’t then eff up everything out of spite.

      Had she not been so quick to jump to conclusions and took a dig at him by going to the other guy she wouldn’t now be all butt hurt and making life difficult for herself and him. But she showed him early what her true colors are and if the other chick gets him then it’s her own fault for being so self deprecating and having no confidence.

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        You know it happened in the this ep but wont be disclosed to us viewers until the next 1 or possibly 2? His old friend asked him where he stands, but we never heard. He did tell her that he was aware the she chose the other friend (The other guy who dealt drugs) over him which in my mind was enough for him not to return and desire for more than friends. I also think the assistant found out from his friend in the copy room, that’s when she ended up caving on the witness stand? She new she screwed up..

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          Yes, the good old story line build up! lol probably one epi since they only have 16?

          And yes ma’am…she figured out she’d effed up when the two women were taking a break having tea and coffee…Ha Na’s mom/ the paralegal fished until she figured out there was nothing there between the old friend and the guy… but she got jealous again when she heard the rabbit story and her insecurity got the better of her and ouila’! instant pity party and tears…which as a man he couldn’t stand to see and as his old friend was ‘spilling the tea’ on the stand revealing he’d shared the intimate rabbit story, he was on Super Cringe cause he knew he’d effed up…

          He likes the paralegal ..cause he’s been pursuing her…but the friend was kinda turning his head when she started talking about improving her life…her turning up in the witness stand dressed like a refined woman was just too much for the paralegal to bear… She needs to get her isht together herself…. hell she better put some damned ear plugs in her ears, take a damned prozac, xanax or whatever ‘acx’ to keep her calm and go pass that damned bar exam and quit copping out. Before she does really lose her opportunity at life.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Lolol Preach it Chicka!!
            So funny we can read so much into her lack of confidence and ultimate pity party on the witness stand. You know she had to feel bad for interpreting so much that wasn’t there. But our sexy fake attorney has ALOT to learn. lol

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

            Yes, he’s behind the 8 ball but he’ll bring those lil funny bunny ears from behind it … lol He’s so cute but those ears tho! I hate his hair cut..they’ve downplayed his looks so that he doesn’t outshine the other male lead.. it’s ok..he’ll still have his total heyday…

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Yeah but when they extend they don’t plan ahead and drag out ep’s 14-16 only. UGH!!!! They should’ve had a backup plan and just added another case, but noooooooo. lol

          • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:


  3. 5Zero4 says:

    Strangely, the mock trial was the only thing I wanted to see from this episode. Considering the outcomes of the 2 cases in the episode, I would think Mr. Choi and Ms. Kang would cut Yeon Woo some slack for losing the mock trial. They let their emotions affect legal strategies, thus were unprofessional as they put it.

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      They’re trying too hard and failing…the writing isn’t keeping us interested because they’re being too vaguely convoluted. When it’s doesn’t make sense, you lose your audience. The mock trial was more evident so it kept our attention.

      Hopefully, there’s a purpose for the ‘adults’ failings so that they can evolve along with the attorney that’s not, who just punked out to the rabbit….smdh….#disappointed

      They need to hurry up with the love triangle and figure out who he’s going to be with so he doesn’t eff up his future lol

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        I wondered with so many seasons and ep’s in the original Suits whether these writers would be able to refine just a few in only 16 eps. My concern is the eps will start getting very rushed, therefore possibly scrambled?

        • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

          Hmmm…great question! I still haven’t watched any of the suits epis in full so idk if what I’m seeing is even correlating to the original. I can only imagine that there will have to be quite a few compromises.

  4. paradox.of.fate says:

    Seems all the main leads had emotional issues affect their performances. The only difference for YW is still has compassion and has yet to become ruthless.

    • JadedForeignDramasAngel says:

      The writing team is probably going to take the ‘millennial’ spin on him…make him be great with compassion…where he is concerned with all the current trending issues… and subsequently be a leader for their generation…as Choi is for his..blah blah blah lol

    • babyjr says:

      i dont get this case, can someone explain?:)

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Which one the Mock Trial?

        • babyjr says:

          the one with the pharmaceutical issue.. as in there are 2 cases in this ep right? (if we ignore the mock trial)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Correct. The people who suffered side effects from the Rx company sued but ended up settling by accepting partial ownership of that company in hopes of still finding ways to counteract the side effects. This was agreed upon based on the fact the CEO also had Lou Gehrig’s disease.
            The other Rx company resulted in a settlement after discovering the attny representing the class action was a swindler/ambulance chaser and did a lot of illegal acts. In other words our guys had both of them by the balls. lol
            Hope that helps, maybe??? haha

          • babyjr says:

            why did they settle though? for the second case ?:)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            The second case, against the crooked old attny?

          • babyjr says:


          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lol It only took us 3 days to figure out what the heck each other was asking.
            Anyways, Suits found out he was more or less an ambulance chaser. They discovered his name on a bunch of different medical malpractice all being settled the same way he threatened them. But the real bad part was he kept using the same people for several lawsuits against different Rx Company’s. That’s where he crossed the line. Ultimately Suits threatened him with License revocation/criminal charges. Did I lose ya? lol
            Hope this helps some. ;)

          • babyjr says:

            ahh yes i got it lol! have u watched the original suits btw? if yes, how does it compare ?:)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Only a few a long time ago. Don’t watch US tv since 2016. lol But they have a bunch of seasons, so I hope with this only having 16 ep’s they don’t rush thru too much. So far so good tho. The personalities are very similar to the original, story line is going to be the tough one. Fingers crossed. :)

          • babyjr says:

            cmiiw but the mock trial was just an announcer making fun of another announcer right? :)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Not announcer’s. junior attorney’s. But they represent the higher partners so it was important to win because either of them could lose their jobs based on the results of the mock trial. :)

          • babyjr says:

            wait wasnt the mock trial case bout announcers? then they were represented by junior attorneys? im getting confused.

  5. drama lover says:

    They both drink from the same water but cow make milk and snake make posion it was realy the point of this episode also how Choi and YW are different he didn’t want to reveal her secret but being a lawyer is to win your case but i’m glad he stopped at that point
    I got a Bad feeling that David Lee will be back again

  6. Iwan Ridwan says:

    uhuhu i dont want park hyung shik cover as a fake attornet to be exposed….how long he can be kept hidden hehe

  7. happystar says:

    Her insecurities cost him his won…obviously he wasn’t attacking her but she got all defensive and offended. Girl need to straighten herself up. I don’t get it though…he shared the rabbit story, not her phobia. So why was she so worked up about it? I’m a little confuse…unless I missed something else.