1 Season 12 Episode

Episode 12 Engsub

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Episode TitleEpisode 12 Engsub

Synopsis of Tempted Ep 12

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  1. Summer Sunshine says:

    Good on taehee for doing what she thinks is best for her rather than for shihyun. Sure, love is great but you don’t have to be an idiot while being in love.

    • kris says:

      i don’t think he wanted to hurt her when he said he didn’t like drawing
      i think he said it beacuse he didn’t want soo ji to find out that he’s starting to feel something for tae hee

      • Summer Sunshine says:

        I didn’t mean he wanted to hurt her intentionally… in many of my friends’ cases their partners weren’t going out of their way to hurt them. It was more that they were careless with how they treated them so they kept getting hurt, they didn’t love them enough to think about how their partners felt with their actions. For sure if it happens once it is on the person who did it, but when it becomes a recurring theme in a relationship it means it’s become a habit and has been normalized… their partners think hurting them a little each time is fine since my friends always let them back in without repercussions, when deep down the wound keeps growing. The habit is something both people have a fault in. Taehee is doing well by nipping this in the bud and not allowing it to be a long term issue in their relationship.

        • Sara Calvitto says:

          Oh you’re so right. My situation is like your friend’s :(
          Reading all what you wrote cheered me up indeed. Thank you ♡

          • Summer Sunshine says:

            I hope your situation changes and becomes better soon, if it hasn’t already… i know love is complicated, but it should still be beautiful. My friends are great individuals, with faults of course like me, you probably are too… it really hurts to see such great people being broken little by little. Hope you can build up the courage to fight for the changes you want. If we really just have one life to live, we should live it happily. Hugs :)

    • Atika Rahmawati says:

      “They get left behind and then allow the person to come back without any repercussion because they’re just thankful that that person came back to them.”

      this is too true, poor tae hee and all the girls who are left behind..

    • drama lover says:

      Yeah me too when i advice my friends they Say u don’t understand because you are not dating or they listen and just do what the other part want it’s better to be Clear when it came to relationships

  2. vivi says:

    tae hee is right, love is love but she wants more and she can’t get it because he still has soo ji as a great part of his life, he loves soo ji, why hold on?
    why wait like his father wait for her mother, it’s a loosing game for her,
    she even said that it isn’t about sooji or his pushover acting, it just he didn’t like her [tae hee]
    better let it go,

    • just.Me says:

      i liked that about tea hee too, telling him was a good decision i would say.

    • Amary09 says:

      I don’t think he doesn’t love her. For some reason, he seems to be obliged to SooJi. He can’t even get himself to kiss Soo Ji. It’s like how Tae Hee said, misunderstanding old friendship and affection for something deeper. Also, the writernim has already shown us a glimpse of the reason why Si Hyun and Soo Ji will fall apart, the mother’s accident.

      • vivi says:

        I think he does have affection for tae hee but soo ji is still bigger in his heart,
        even he doesn’t know which one to choose,
        if he can’t choose, she doesn’t need to wait that long, she wants to be the priority and she isn’t rn,
        she already said that she is tired of that, she is telling him that if this is the situation she has to endure, she choose to give up,

        for can’t kiss, I think it because once it happens, there will be no going back, it’ll made him interesting in the relationship with soo ji and break the friendship. Iirc, he tried to kiss soo ji but soo ji is the one who put it on hold.

        I think the story will go to the direction that sihyun has always love her but tae hee declaration also shows her position about the love and relationship she wants to be, being the 3rd person is not ideal

      • Natália Alexandria says:

        I totally agree with you… It’s not that he doesn’t love Tae Hee, but he can’t stay away and say no to Soo Ji. The same thing happened in Cruel Intentions and Dangerous Liaisons. He doesn’t want to admite that he’s in love with Tae Hee and let go Soo Ji – because he do have affection for her.

        But Soo Ji is selfish and manipulative, she doesn’t to be with him but doesn’t want him to be with anyone. Shi Hyun and Se Joo are her tools, she can have them whenever she wants… But it’s not like that anymore.

        • amanda says:

          but there’s a twist here that’s likely to break soo ji and send her to the aslum her mom killed sihyun’s mom

  3. Summer Sunshine says:

    haha kiwoong being a plot device for him to be jealous, i’m all for it lol he seems harmless enough for someone like taehee since she obviously won’t fall for him

  4. Summer Sunshine says:

    I’m really sorry for mentioning this but the ending scene makes me think of how i imagine Joy would have snapped at Sungjae if We Got Married were reality lol. She actually asked some similar questions when they were paired on the show, why he isn’t romantic with her, why he doesn’t really hold her hand, and she came to the same conclusion that she likes him more than he likes her and it hurt her a little. >.< don't peg me for a delusional shipper, I like them as friends… i just thought about it and it made me sad for Joy lol even though both aren't actual reality.

    • Aditi says:

      same. I totally agree with you. While watching this, I always think of Ppyu couple and see some similarities. It really hurts my heart whenever I look at Sungjae or Joy as it always reminds me of their wgm time. I feel bad for Joy as it did look like she liked Sungjae more than he liked her. She never got a closure. Sungjae seemed to open up a bit during the ending episodes after they shot their Young Love MV but Joy liked her all the way and I don’t think she was acting.
      I think Joy and I have similar personalities. I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad, but people like us seemed to get attached to people pretty fast. We start acting like them in no time. Anyway, I hope she gets the love that she deserves (in real life, I mean)

      • Summer Sunshine says:

        I don’t think having or not having your personality is a bad thing. Attachment and affection are great things, people who give them in spades are sweet and help put people at ease quickly. But since we live in a relational world, you interact with people who are opposite you or are prone to take advantage of such people so it’s good to be aware of the drawbacks so you can keep being you but not get taken advantage of. :D this is the same for all people, there are people who are very introverted and shy and those aren’t bad as well, each have their own strengths and drawbacks.

    • Ray.Exol.Melody.Monbebe 💜 says:

      I truly believed that joy liked sungjae for real in WGM , while he only sees her as his Dongsan or just a friend .. we can’t blame sungjae tho he isn’t playing like Sihyun haha !

      • Summer Sunshine says:

        I don’t blame him, i liked sungjae in WGM too. They were both nice and very cool people. It’s really nice to see them remain close, I’ve seen fancams of them talking in kpop concerts. :D they were so cute together but attraction at that age rarely lasts so i’m not particularly heartbroken over it, it was a good experience that they both learned from and it probably helps Joy grasp on to something when she needs to act out feelings of young love.

  5. kapoyani says:

    finally gave in and watched 11 and 12 and in the middle of 12 it gets subbed … waahh or yey pwahahaha
    yey is winning out

  6. Beyoutiful says:

    this push and pull thing between tae hee and sihyun is so exhausting to watch, had to skip so many times *sigh* and damn sejoo my heart is aching for you, he’s not getting the proper love he deserves :(

  7. Kayla says:

    7:43 radio romance ji suho’s place??

  8. Kayla says:


  9. Judy Pieters says:

    My goodness! Tae hee you left my heart broke. 😭 i need to endure again to these another week. Hahai… my obsession of you both makes my health worse. How could others tell that the acting of joy is poor if majority of the people get affected?

  10. Aditi says:

    Is it just me who thinks that Joy’s and DoHwan’s smile look similar? They look so similar when they are grinning. <3

  11. kapoyani says:

    i like it.when you are willing to settle too much on jagged broke parts… that its just now could become the norm
    we need to love and value ourselves more too

  12. menhera says:

    damn, i love Tae Hee’s character

  13. Ingrid Friestad says:

    Tae Hee, what a strong and hella fantastic character!! Even if my heart aces for the two of them, I know that this is 10000% for certain going to trigger true love between them!!

  14. Yza Katrìna Alba says:

    Tae Hee is indeed a silent killer! I can feel you dear! I am getting extremely hooked into this drama. Hope it’s already Monday. -_-
    I couldn’t wait any longer from the upcoming episodes.. Overall, progress wise is def a 5-star rating! ^^,

  15. Iwan Ridwan says:

    it is so intense and we only in episode 12…. i can stand watching it for woo do hwan and joy together for an hour now haha

  16. EnzoAbbacchio says:

    The drama is entering its first critical phase and it’s starting to show its limits. The three friends are supposed to be kind of dabauchees, but they’re too good. All they do is eating, drinking and spouting some nonsense. I expected much more from the villa trip.
    Si-Hyun is supposed to be the “great seducer” but, up to now, he didn’t show any particular skill beside bringing around his cute face. His love line with Tae-Hee is more an affectionate friendship than a mind blowing passion.
    Soo-Ji and Se-Joo basically didn’t move a step this week, and the same goes for Hye-Jung, whom I suppose was meant to be corrupted, or better, awakened by Soo-Ji.
    The parent’s side stories are not so engaging but the authors, thru the police report and the flashback, hinted at a possible makjang coup de theatre where a student (Tae-Hee?), Si-Hyun’s mom and Soo-ji’s mom may have been involved into an accident.
    Is the story wavering already with still ten hours to go? 😐

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      At times it slows too much then off in different directions, only to speed up the last 2? Big drama for not even hearing “I love you” yet? Wth is going to break loose when they cross that threshold? lol

  17. Ydenn Lorraine says:

    When will the next episode be posted??

  18. Elsa says:


  19. Summer Sunshine says:

    The translation of the closing scene could have been better…
    taehee: i don’t want to like someone who makes me do strange things (like obsessingover his actions, etc.). I won’t be in/do a one sided love (literally, she said a situation where she’s the only one looking at the other). And right now, I’m talking about the two of us, what sooji said does not matter.

    The translation misses out from making the audience realize how empowering her words are. She’s saying she’s making the choice to stop here because she refuses to be in a relationship that’s like what her parents had.

    • M UR HOPE, J-HOPE 💕 says:

      No worries dear, I get what she ment at the end. While she was talking with her dad on a phone she realized that even she is also in a same thing (one sided love) like her dad. So she told him exactly how she’s feeling and that she will stop right here.
      Awww again have to wait for another one week. Really frustrating also no preview 😡😭

  20. dramabunster says:

    I’m really proud of how mature Taehee’s character is. In the middle of speaking with her dad, she realized that she was going down the same road and rectified that immediately. She realizes that blind love isn’t bliss and that it can hurt everyone around you. She was real with Shihyun. She wants a real relationship where they’re fully invested in one another and they protect one another. He likes her, but he’s not at that point and Taehee is letting him know that he needs to already be there, and that she can’t wait for him to slowly get there. I feel like this is the thing the people aren’t doing in relationships. They aren’t honest with one another. If everyone would just communicate what they really want then a lot of misunderstandings would never happen.

    • EnzoAbbacchio says:

      Well, I liked your prose but I think that you, like someone else here, are poeticizing things a bit too much. You’re talking about maturity, blind love, real relationship, commitment and whatnot but, let’s be honest, what we have here is just a 2 days & 2 kisses lukewarm crush. Nothing.
      Isn’t a bit premature to take things so seriously, especially at their age? What about enjoying the ride and leave the considerations for an appropriate time?
      Rationally speaking, she can’t demand or expect anything yet. She can stop if she doesn’t like it, of course, but no drama, just bye.
      I noticed your comment because I recently saw something similar in real life. A 17yo girl exaggerating the aftermath of a breakup after two or three weeks of dating. This is not healthy and may lead to unpleasant consequences.

      • dramabunster says:

        I’m really not sure you understand what I’m getting. There are people out there who don’t just want to ride a hypothetical high and hope a relationship comes out of it. I feel like with Taehee she has other things to think about rather than relationships which I why I felt she was apprehensive to Shihyun in the beginning. Just because she wants a relationship where they’re both trying to figure out if this is going to work in the long run doesn’t mean that she’s expecting a proposal. He claimed to like her first, but she is feeling like she’s the one who likes him and he still confused on everything. I can understand her because she put herself out there since he made
        Himself out to be super into her (which was part of the game I know) but she’s frustrated at how he’s not following through. I just happened to really like that she was protecting herself rather than running behind him hoping that he’ll becomes as sincere as he made himself out to be. That’s all. It wasn’t some Ploy to encourage getting. Attached super quickly and expecting the world out of someone you just met. He just gave the illusion of things that he didn’t follow through with.

        • EnzoAbbacchio says:

          “…ride a hypothetical high and hope a relationship comes out of it.”
          “…trying to figure out if this is going to work in the long run…”

          I have to say that I can’t see any difference between these two statements. In addition, they both imply that a relationship that doesn’t even started might last, when they barely know each other’s name.
          While talking about the illusions that he gave her, you’re actually talking more about things she may have assumed while using Si-Hyun as a tool for her fantasies, but planning a relationship outside of the relationship itself is the highway to disappointment.
          She even nagged him about silly things like who hold hands first and about more serious things like helping a close friend in trouble.
          If all this is not about getting attached ahead of time, I wonder what she should protect herself from, apart from unwanted pregnancies. 😄😉

      • drama lover says:

        I read Ur comment and i want to not every one Can just enjoy the ride i expect my my other part to give the same intention i have if he
        Want to play around than he should do it with someone how want the same
        Peoples feeling are precious and important just my opinion 😊

        • EnzoAbbacchio says:

          Sure, why not? That’s why I said “She can stop if she doesn’t like it”.
          But you can’t talk about L.O.V.E. or commitment or heartbreak when you only hung out together for few hours like friends.
          Unless you want to appear really weird. 😄

  21. woohyunie says:

    i loveee loveee how tae hee puts herself before anything and anyone else first
    she really knows her worth and i love that

    • Naru22 says:

      Yup!! She’s such an amazing character and a strong female lead. I hope they continue showing her like that!! I especially loved the last scene!! Her words were very good… Especially when she said that it’s between both of them and what sojii said has nothing to do with them!!

  22. sherla says:

    this drama is just so GOOD. wondering why it had low rating tho

  23. Shatakshi Singh says:

    Its my first time feeling satisfied after the leads broke…..tae hee dont deserve this game.

    • amanda says:

      me too even though we’ve seen the plot a hundred times where the guy pretends to like the girl but this one just seemed so wrong esp when it had absolutely nothing to do with te hee

  24. amanda says:

    yes yes i hope she doesn’t melt again next week and take him bak

  25. amanda says:

    shit who talks like that seriously……………i’m frigging pregnant again, damn you si hyunaah

  26. Summer Sunshine says:

    I watched this yesterday but the last scene stayed with me throughout the day… i feel like the questions were so relatable, i’ve asked them before too. But they are questions you ask yourself in order to come to the realization that you are losing out and deserve better. Like, I don’t expect anyone, let alone shihyun, to be able to give a satisfactory answer to those questions… how can you explain details like why he never held your hand first or why he goes to someone else after being sweet with you? So i feel like they were the questions she asked herself, and then she voiced them out to him for him to truly understand what she went through to come to this decision. And he needed to hear that, because he needed to know that they aren’t fine and that something is wrong and it needs to be addressed before they can progress. Only with her voicing it out can he also make the same reflection.


  28. Jiminie kookie says:


  29. Jbe says:

    Shi hyu and Soo Ji .. they obviously love each other .. it pains me to see them trying to hide that feeling..both of them has scars from their family. How could they be friendss when then they are now inlove.
    Regretfully, Tae Hee a victim of Soo Ji’s revenge and shi hyun desire to hurt his stepfather.
    Soo Ji pushing shi hyun away…
    Shi hyun falls for tae hee..
    How i wish the love story of Soo Jii and Tae he will have a chance… hopefully they will give it a chance..
    With Tae Hee… Will be happy on her own.

  30. Oyeniran Zainab says:

    soo ji is toxic to shi hyun!!! while se joo can see through soo ji!

  31. drama lover says:

    Eventhough so ji caractere strong and remarkable i like tae hee caractere more she is honest and Clear about what she want that’s her charme i like the fact that she didn’t drag to long and came out clean to him