1 Season 15 Episode

Episode 15

Korean Drama The Best Hit Ep 15 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 15

Synopsis of The Best Hit Ep 15

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  1. tsinita says:

    you amaze me dramahood!

  2. Ice cream n soda says:

    Thanks for subbing fast

  3. admirer06 says:

    Wow so fast

  4. YallPlayaHatersUShloudLvYrslf says:

    The queen is clearly manipulating her (Ga Eun) how can’t she realize it ?

  5. Sab says:

    Amazing Dramahood! very fast subbing. Great thanks!

  6. 문성희 says:


  7. Detective K says:

    Wow, I feel so sorry for Lady Kim strongly fighting for a love she will never have. What a sad love.
    Unfortunately love is not selfish nor greedy.
    Where is Confucius and the ancient scholars when we need them for clarification?

    • Cinnamon Carter says:

      I hope NO GIRL EVER lives their lives like his *thirsty* chick. *L* (LOSER) should be her Scarlet Letter?sewed on every outfit or branded on her head!
      She is a horrible example of a (sane) female. Ugh? She is beyond annoying.

  8. Cinnamon Carter says:

    HwaGun is a thirsty ass female! Damn! Can she lower herself just a little bit more?
    I really, more than DaeMok, want LeeSun DEAD! I just do??‍♀️

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      Ditto!!! Grrrrr! lol

      • Cinnamon Carter says:

        When I didn’t see you as the FIRST POSTER I thought *Where Is She*? Then I remembered you were moving.

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          lmao It’s killing me!! Will be staying in a hotel for maybe a week before getting a camper to live in. I’m going from a 4200 sq ft home I custom deigned to a pull behind camper and I’m thrilled!! Cant wait to downsize! I have to have the rest of the house moved by tomorrow night! Thats almost comical! hahaha

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            I have been watching so many stories of tiny house vids on youtube. You see so many people downsizing and converting buses to a home or getting small house on trailers converted and loving it! I think everyone’s tired of what all it entails with large spaces and just want to chill out and simplify.
            Good for you!

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have been working my life away sadly. Between the Land surveying business and General Contracting, Land Development and this massive house along with horses I never had time to ride. It’s sad. At least I found out before it was too late. Even with all of the moving and no sleep, I have been taking my son out cruising at midnight after taking the other six boys who are 14 yr old’s home, jamming to my ost’s from this series sunroof back and windows down. Can’t remember the last time we smiled together.. and to think this is just the beginning! ;)

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            How nice! That is certainly creating lasting memories. I was just telling someone how I have such good memories of my aunt and uncle (both deceased) and that I want to be like that. After I’m gone I want people to think of me and remember good things.
            I remember the best bday ever! At 13 I told my dad I wanted a party at 6 Flags. He asked if I thought he had a money tree in the backyard?To this day that is the best day ever! I can’t imagine anything topping it! I got to invite 6 friends (technically 3 because of the 6 I had to take my brother and 2 cousins) and it was great!
            I bet it feels really good! Those jobs seem like they’d be stifling. I have always only worked where I could be creative and free.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Not stifling at which was part of the problem. I loved working outside still do! Time fly’s and it doesnt even feel like work. But because I love what i do, I dont really keep track of time. (Like now, 3 hrs sleep last night, none tonite.) lol Then my son ends up playing video games while i work the night away. All that’s changing! I remembered one of the dramas i watched not too long ago, the girl put her ice cream cone in the face of her beau, well i did it to my son after a long work day and we laughed all the way home. I had forgotten how much his eyes sparkle as he laughs. Thanks for the reminder “life’s short….live it to the fullest”!! Just give me 2 weeks and hopefully no more all nighters unless I’m binge watching a drama! ;)

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            Aw! Kids love it when adults do things with them that they would do with their friends. I’m known for waiting just the right amount of time when someone blows a bubble with bubble gum and then BAM!!’ Smacking it all into their face!!!! *insert evil laughter here*
            Did I mention I’m 33? ?????
            Your son’s friends probably say, “your mom is so cool’ Making him the envy of all his friends.??

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Thats so cute! You would fit right in with this crazy bunch. They sure keep me laughing. You’re still a young one…got lots to look forward to in life. ;)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            For got to mention it was nice to read your wonderful memories! Isn’t that why we wake up everyday? Got a chance to make them every moment of the day, yet how often do we make those efforts? It’ sounds like you were blessed with great parents and even a loving extended family. I also feel blessed that all my siblings are still with me, even helping me move. (My oldest brother drove 7 hours just to help his baby sister. We bicker back forth about “how” to move then we get a laugh out of it, just like 40 years ago. Hold those loving memories in heart and when your down pull them out and realize how lucky you are. ;)

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            WOW!! 7 hours? It makes me laugh because i’m the only girl of 5 and woolen think “you must be spoiled”. HA!! what is that? My brothers will tell me they have back problems if I need moving help. ? Especially if i’m upstairs.
            My aunt and uncle though were great! I could get whatever food I wanted when I visited as long as I didn’t waste it.
            I was always scared riding in my brothers convertible. I don’t know how you do it. I keep getting the image of thelma and louise?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            He has been incredible. I can understand why the women in his life dont ever want to let go. He helped me move out bought a camper and set it up. Couldnt have done it with out him. Been some long days and no internet. I’m at a hotel now just to get a bed and shower. lol Missed all my shows. Will be watching as long as my battery holds out. They packed my laptop charger. omfg! I may never find it. 4 storage units to sift thru. nfw. hahaha

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            OH NO!!! I hope you’ll be able to find it easily.
            What a wonderful brother you have. Sounds like your parents did an awesome job.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            They sure did. Most of my sisters helped me pack. Now I’m living in total chaos! Had to buy underwear and shorts just cuz I cant find anything ! omg what have I done?! lol At least i can use my phone as a mobile hotspot until they run cable to my office. It’s probably going to lag big time. Fingers crossed. ;)

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            ? They need to make an emoji for that *fingers crossed* People say it a lot. This is a good one (??‍♀️) now they need to add one of those. Where can I leave a suggestion?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            My daughter does that a lot in her text to me…what is it? Remember selective demensia? lol

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            ??‍♀️ ?This one? It’s *meh* or whatever or I guess, or who cares. The possibilities are endless to NOT TALK to people.? Just emoji people all day. We went from actually voice talking to texting and next just emoji-ing
            What is society coming to? lol

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lmao, kinda like it. Morris code of this era? hahaha

  9. Grin Ripper says:

    I hate how these people in Pyunsoo Group were too self-absorbed. HG using that incident about GE’s father is below the belt ?

  10. rubiesway says:


  11. Ice cream n soda says:


  12. Nor Syahida Zawawi says:

    Player for test dont have?

  13. Ice cream n soda says:


    • sarah Miles says:

      there was also a goblin line (the weather conversation when he was confessing and then the lightning bolt )

  14. Kitty from the star says:

    Blackpink’s new song at 24:59 ?