1 Season 17 Episode

Episode 17 Engsub

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  1. Detective K says:

    Jung Hyun Soo, asshole. Sorry if I offend anyone, I just couldn’t hold it in.
    The nerve of you to be so confident and corky.

  2. Fab1234 says:

    Damn the way he was looking since min 16:00 it really had me. How can he be so hot ? scary but sexy ass hell
    Also first time I have seen a culprit being this honest and going straight to the point.

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      That was a new look from JCW for me. I almost didn’t recognize him! But he was still so sexy!

  3. stellapebble says:

    the song makes you sad more.i like the song.

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      Thought the same thing…another I need to download… There isn’t one song from this drama that I havent downloaded. They are all so good! I take that back, maybe the theme song for the killer! :D

  4. Sab says:

    my love JCW ! missed you! :)

  5. sdf i cant stand this sexy, goosebump giving,creepy killer. my god


  7. wellwell says:

    Can i kill the psycho?

  8. Marou says:

    YESSS finally some action!! i honestly prefer chang wook in action dramas he does really shine in that department,this prosecutor thing that’s going on just doesn’t cut it for me

  9. paradox.of.fate says:

    For a guy to have such loving, compassionate eyes….wait til 26.50! He’s starting ti get an ember glowing by 27.12 his eyes don’t even look close to those puppy dogs, then by 27.12 he’s looking possessed but the most dramatic look has got to be 27.55 where daggers are coming from his eyes! Hot, sexy, but veeeeryyy determined!! whoa!

  10. Ricky Matthews says:

    Damn That K2 look of his ? I’m starstruck

  11. Adriana Demitrio says:

    I am getting K2 and healer feels

  12. Ayla says:

    Chang wook my boyyyy ??

  13. nelly says:

    the suit and fight gave me k2 vibes

  14. Lee Jong-suk says:

    My baby Eunwoo a lil awkward but hot at the same time haha

  15. Kitty from the star says:

    That cockroach scene ???

  16. 알라라 says:

    the site was done so i watched no single drama because i didn’t felt like to watch it at another site lol i just got so used to dramahood so here i am now starting to watch everything i couldnt watch lol

  17. Carla Mitkay Jhashen says:

    Yay, a little fighting scene from Ji Wook, aish nice.