1 Season 18 Episode

Episode 18 Engsub

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  1. 3028 says:

    sorry for being insensitive, but the delivery ads is really distract me ㅋㅋ

  2. Doree says:

    so now begins when he doesn’t remember anything? or who was that?

  3. 민 소 지 says:

    Mr. Byun put weapon back to murderer’s house. God, i hope he won’t die because of that.

    • Nor Syahida Zawawi says:

      It’s him?

      • 민 소 지 says:

        Yeah. Look at the way that guy walks and the shoes he wears.

        • Nor Syahida Zawawi says:

          Wow such a great eyes.. deabak.. why he put the weapon back? Im a bit slow

          • 민 소 지 says:

            I don’t know, probably so they can have evidence, but I wonder how he knew, he must have eavesdropped, idk how and when.

          • JABsd says:

            I don’t think it’s Mr Byun, I think it’s the guy from the hit and run, the one that Eun Hyuk interviewed and the guy was walking and thinking about everyone who has disappeared/died. The legs were of the person who moved the knife looked liked someone young… so I suspect him…He really seemed like he knew what he was doing.

          • 민 소 지 says:

            I am sure it is Byun, imao the guy purposely was even walking the way byun walks. It’s even the same shoes. Before they were showing some female foot, but the way Cha dressed it was obvious it is was her. That’s definitely him. And the guy who died that was hit by a car, he said two of them from the office might die, Bang is waking up. Byun fabricated the evidence which is the reason for him to killed by a murderer next unfortunately. Also, young person wouldn’t wear that kind of shoes, imao. Only old folks wear them. Also, if that guy fabricated the weapon, he wouldn’t have tried to kill the murderer, so it is not him. The hit and run guy can be anyone, there might be even more people involved in the incident, though it might be that guy, but it would be simple, so idk.

          • JABsd says:

            Actually, I agree with you, lool you know Byun’s walk. Omds you are so right, I’m scared for Mr Byun now. :/

          • Powermental says:

            I think this is all going to tie back to No’s dad some how. Like evidence being planted by the older guys who were around then. But totally was ajusshi

          • 민 소 지 says:


    • Anne says:

      Mr. Byun only person can put the knife back to murder’s house, because he had some sense of the others’ activities. I think perhaps Chef guy did a something bad to murder’s girl (girl or sister), that’s why a violence case was related to him. The new man who hit the murder purposely, he must know something about their past doings related to the murder, since he got some senses why lawyers are trying to find their old friends…

  4. Toni Phantom says:

    So now the memory loss comes in. My mind is getting crazy.

  5. KAY says:

    Who was the hit and run guy?

    • Detective K says:

      Looks like another accomplice to me.

    • Nor Syahida Zawawi says:

      Im wonderinv too.. hurm suddently appear

    • sleeplessa says:

      It was one from Mr. Bang’s list that Atty Ji talked to, he denied knowing anyone from the pictures. He was shown later talking to himself and he clearly knew them all. He was parked outside Hyun Soo’s apartment and followed them when the chased started. He must have been involved in whatever happened in the past with Hyun Soo and figured he was next, so he struck first.

      • Stefanie Krüger says:

        It has something to do with the incident that happened to the culprit. 3 are death one is still alive and he figured it out . I think they might killed or be responsible for the women of the culprit . He might have also fabricated the false evidence.
        I’m looking forward , who will figure it out. But I don’t get it why nobody at the accident scene followed the black car. He’s the one who plotted all

        • Powermental says:

          Right? that way my thinking too. Why doesnt anyone get behind the hit and run driver???

          • Stefanie Krüger says:

            And I’m curious about the fire where the parents of mr. No died. In one of his dreams were the father of the femel lead shown. I want to know more about the connection.

          • Powermental says:

            There is something lurking with the prosecutor guy too… He was somehow involved

          • Stefanie Krüger says:

            Let’s wait and see . I think the father of the lead lady was wrongly accused. It will lead to misunderstandings between the couple.

          • Powermental says:

            I agree. And I think her ex’s dad was responsible for that case .

          • Stefanie Krüger says:

            I think that her father was framed .it has something to do with the prosecutor who fired mr no in the first place . He made him guilty and showed mr. No the picture ( when he was a child ) to manipulate his memories.
            I would say the father was there to rescue mr. No and his family, but was to late

          • Powermental says:

            I totally agree :)

  6. Katie Iris Daisy Tuck says:

    i really want to know the story behind the killer. about that girl and what happened to her and why hes the way he is.

  7. heliumhearts says:

    I’m guessing the girl must’ve been his sister or gf and was raped or maybe gang raped or smt by the chef (since he has a history of sexual violence) and the other 3 helped cover it up or smt. i dont think JHS will die tho! he needs to be there to prove EBH’s innocence!

  8. JustMe says:

    Although the killer is heartless and crazy, im really excited to know what made him that way. I wont lie, i shed a little tear when he looked at the girl and she disappeared. Hopefully, the story will humanize him. I guess the amnesia comes in now… also not enough bong hee x ji wook moments :'( buti guess its expected cuz we gotta get a move on the mystery

  9. MsUGC says:

    oh wait, is this when Hyun Soo would have amnesia?! Because of the accident? errr! OMG! the Tofu Epilogue was so funny! Truly, a man cannot defy the woman he loves, and this is a FACT of Life! <3

  10. 문성희 says:

    Kim Jongwan of Nell in the OST i knew it ♥

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      lol Just downloaded it!! Love it! Will be listening to it all day tomorrow since it looks like I wont be sleeping tonight. ;)

      • 문성희 says:

        i’m loving suspicious partner’s ost

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          I go to bed listening to the slow easy stuff…so relaxing.

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          Since I’ve moved no access to my shows (no internet yet), but thankful I have my ost’s to listen to! ;)

          • 문성희 says:

            but that will make you miss the show won’t it?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Every once and awhile i get on thru mobile hotspot or coffeehouse. Just slow going. But so happy I can watch any of them at this point. Only thing lately that makes me smile. I wanna cry looking at all the boxes and such a mess. lol

          • 문성희 says:

            You’re still unpacking? LOL! Good luck! I hope unpacking while listening to the ost helps. ^^

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            definitely! ;)

  11. Lala says:

    Maybe the new guy, who hit and run, do it on purpose, maybe jung hyun soo threaten him, (at scene where hyun soo stand behind him) to hit him so that he will have an amnesia and free. The plot is ‘the murderer has amnesia, due to the amnesia he keeps trying to kill ji wook and bong hee’ yea. I just guessing because jung hyun soo is very tricky

  12. Powermental says:

    Man, this is insane. Just when you expect things to go a certain way they screw your whole take of it.DO NOT READ… SPOILER ALERT

    WTH, I totally am feeling bad for our killer. Almost humanizing him. And the guy who just ran him over, I feel like he is the biggest scum. I think Mr. Byun is behind the knife because he had access and maybe he is like I am so old, I can go without my license if it gets out… plus I feel like there is something like the guy connected to Lawyers No’s Dads death… Ahhhh. Love this show!

  13. mojaslatka says:

    I think it’s Eun Hyuk who planted that evidence. The color of his pants looks similar to the one who planted it. And the look on his face when Yoo Jung said, “I wish a weapon for suddenly appear”. He’s got YooJung’s number too.

    Or it could be the district prosecutor. We will see what will happen next week.

    • Detective K says:

      I’m thinking Eun Bong Hee’s boyfriend’s father planted the evidence even though Mr. Byun is also a possibilty. After all he did it the first time plus he has a lot of people watching her so he’ll definitely know what’s going on.

  14. paradox.of.fate says:

    My first thought was with the majority thinking My. Byun. When cameras panned his shoes and slowly went up his pant leg it appeared that the culprit was not very tall because his pants appeared baggy and had too much material at his ankles…but if Hyun Soo was really thinking he would have planted the knife himself and then framed Attny No for fictitious evidence? Still a possibility??

    • Detective K says:

      I also think so but I also think Eun Bong Hee’s boyfriend’s father planted the evidence. After all he did it the first time plus he has a lot of people watching her so he’ll definitely know what’s going on.

  15. mochicomethru says:

    This is where the amnesia stuff starts

  16. Marou says:

    Aside from who put the fabricated evidence in hyun soo’s house.I find the chemistry between ji wook and bong hee so lackiiiiing lol. His chemistry with park min young was by far the best.


  18. Lee Jong-suk says:

    SO now they are going to make the real culprit (the one who killed his girlfriend?) pay for what he did and then he is going to go to jail thankful because they helped him punish the one who killed the girl?

  19. Dee_Dee17 says:

    Oooh cant wait for tomorrow’s episode ?

  20. Lee Jong-suk says:

    why are they running instead of using a car???? this drama keeps getting better!!

  21. anna mae borromeo says:

    Others cant watch here in dramahood because of error in theire main page :(

  22. K-Maniac says:

    Honestly I wished there was such a thing called an internationally based K-critic.
    Paid for watching Korean Dramas for the rest of your life. Imagine your future being as bright as

  23. Jaclyn Yoo says:

    oh my gosh i cant wait for tom’s episodeee ughh

  24. 매디 says:

    I’m shipping Cws and HJ even though it might never happen ?❤️

  25. DizzyVixxLeo says:

    Ooh Hyun Jae is going to visit the other Jae…yes! cannot wait for him to fall over himself then say Hyun Jae is a ghost or impersonator. Not being bias but how comes the bakery girls are only gushing over Ji Hoon? Hyun Jae is hot too( some Psy’s Daddy is playing in my head righ about now) he got it from Dad so praise the maker of Ji Hoon please, he is even hotter than his son lol TT. MJ do you like Second Place hahahahahaha Choi Woo Seung.

  26. Ricky Matthews says:

    J2 reunited for a conversation

  27. paradox.of.fate says:

    Even though a lot of time has passed since I watched episode 17, it’s still really enjoyable. At least I dont have to wait for the next episodes.. ;)