1 Season 32 Episode

Episode 32 Engsub

Korean Drama Two Cops Ep 32 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 32 Engsub

Synopsis of Two Cops Ep 32

You can download Two Cops Ep 32 with english subtitles in 720p(HD) quality and download the subtitle in srt form. Raw episode is uploaded first and eng subs are added in few hours. Please bookmark our site for regular updates.

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  1. Crazyouth says:

    A happy ending!!

  2. Tracy Smith says:

    I am proud of Hoya . I believe he had to leave Infinite because his leg/foot never healed so now he only has acting after already have to give up football because of his injury. The second couple was cute

  3. bree says:

    Uptop!! From the storyline to the actors!!😘

  4. CHIMx2 says:


  5. Innerpeace says:

    I enjoyed this drama even thought, at first, I wasn’t sure about the soul-changing thing, I end up liking it. Jo Jung Suk always brings it 👍👍👍❤️. I will re-watch it again. 👍

  6. stellapeable Nunie says:

    im gonna miss their bromance.JoJungSuk as expected he is really good at it esp when he plays a conman side.all in all its a good drama.Kim Seon Ho and Jo Jung Suk see you in dramaland hopefully soon.

  7. Jinan says:

    Awww the last scene is so heartwarming. Best partner, def gonna miss them.
    This drama had such a good twists, JJS did great and the rest of the cast as well. Hoping to see the male lades soon.

  8. Stella says:

    I will miss dis drama 😭 till next time hopefully

  9. paradox.of.fate says:

    Cha Dong Tak looked especially handsome in his “dress blues” uniform. The ost at the ending was my fave from this drama, couldn’t help but smile through this last episode. Kamsahamnida!!!

  10. Jelly says:

    I LOVE THIS DRAMA !!!!!! I kept smiling and now my mouth hurts from smiling too much.

  11. Yuni Trisnawati says:

    Jo Jung suk always bring it. Ow I tears at this episode. Really enjoyed this drama. love you so much Jo Jung Suk

  12. The Yuna says:

    really love the ending! didn’t end on the scene with ji an, but them bromancing at the cemetry of the detective which bring the two of them together.! LOVE IT <3 gonna miss the two of them!

    • Naru22 says:

      Yup!!! The ending was so great!! It’ll definitely be one of my most favorite endings ever!! Especially… How they showed the bond between both of them!! Loved it to death!!!

  13. Jelly says:

    goo chang kind of looks like kwang soo