1 Season 6 Episode

Episode 6 Engsub

Korean Drama I Am Not a Robot Ep 6 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 6 Engsub

Synopsis of I Am Not a Robot Ep 6

You can download I Am Not a Robot Ep 6 with english subtitles in 720p(HD) quality and download the subtitle in srt form. Raw episode is uploaded first and eng subs are added in few hours. Please bookmark our site for regular updates.

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  1. Drama Ninja says:

    Woah I like how they are getting along already.

  2. Drama Ninja says:

    What a terrible reaction to being touch though looks painful.

  3. jho51e says:

    Their chemistry is smokin’

  4. Drama Ninja says:

    Umm how can this show be so cute!

  5. Chan Sio says:

    Wow I just love the humor and the story line of this drama. It is so fresh.

  6. paradox.of.fate says:

    This is supposed to be light and fluffy, why am I sitting on the edge of my seat!?? lol This is really enjoyable, can’t wait for his revenge too!!

  7. Peg02 says:

    She should earn 500 points and become “Pretty First”, because none of his vacuum would have been able to save him!

  8. amanda says:

    i just want him to know she’s human so bad and become a team hahahhaha

  9. shaco sleepwalker says:

    It becomes cute each time friendly mode is ON

  10. amanda says:

    this new re il chick isn’t she the annoying one from Cinderella and four knights who wouldn’t frigging stop crying every 3seconds in a man’s presence

  11. Drama Ninja says:

    It would be funny he finds out early she is human but pretends not to know lol

  12. My Kang Dan😍😘❤️ says:

    I’m in love with this drama

  13. anil magar says:

    The way of handling syringe is in another level😂😂😂

  14. sami says:

    wait what if the owner touched her (the robot)will he get allergic reaction or nah?

    • katy says:

      He is not allergic to human … He have psychological problems… He just think that he is allergic to them .. plus in the earlier episode she already touch him and nothing happened to him as he believes that she is a robot

  15. Deno17 says:

    I love this drama and the actors are cute and the plot is great, can’t wait for the next episodes!! 😍🙈❤️

  16. seasafira says:

    Local server contain eps 5

  17. Heba Aky says:

    he’s looking for someone who he wont be allergic to
    i think it’s all in his head

  18. yukino yukinoshita says:

    it could have been caused and triggered by a trauma in his childhood or something

  19. Ino Yong Senpei says:

    I started watching this drama with no expectations just as something different among all those crime thriller dramas and I can only say I LOVE IT..its very cute with refreshing plot😍