1 Season 9 Episode

Episode 9 Engsub

Korean Drama Something in the Rain Ep 9 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 9 Engsub

Synopsis of Something in the Rain Ep 9

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  1. Oh Hae Young 's Fan says:

    Love this drama. I’m a little bir annoyed by the music. So cheesy!

    • Chatelaineces says:

      How many songs were in Descendants and Goblin, 11? I can only count three songs including Stand By Your Man and Last Dance. The vocals can be insidious. It is past the half mark in terms of episodes, will there be other songs? Would be nice.

      • Oh Hae Young 's Fan says:

        yes..thats true..i guess they dont have a budget for all those songs

      • Mr Brad says:

        All the songs are dated and cheesy for this drama. It was a thrown together script to get SYJ on TV again, before she starts playing a mom to teenagers in future dramas….it ain’t workin’. I feel your pain with the OST. I mute the version when the ex-president of France’s wife starts singing, yuck.

  2. just Mee says:

    Aaaa her mom voice is so annoying 👊👊 btrrrkrbg

  3. ClauxLuna says:

    The mom is so annoying trying to set everyone up.

  4. kendz says:

    The funny thing is that the brother got the first beating! LoL

  5. “Are you falling for me again?”
    “I’ve already completely fallen…”

    UGH, MY HEARTEU!!! *clutches chest*

  6. kapoyani says:

    The sis is really bighearted

  7. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    Argh this whole drama is starting to piss me the fuck off. ! what is the freaking problem for these two to be in a relationship, really? 2 Her mother is a prejudice, greedy money motivated ignorant little woman ( I have a lot more to say about her but I will keep it civil) 3 His sister is another idiot to add to the collection of these idiots, why the hell is she coming and going from his apartment? Why is she going through his stuff? Is he a child? Does she not work? Can she not afford to buy her own damn booze?? Like geezus freaking christ, get a life buddy! 4 Joonhee is also another idiot, adding in this collection, why does he allow his sister to roam his apartment? He is a grown man for crap’s sake! He has every right to see whomever he wants regardless of friendship and age!! 5 Jina, another moron! 35 years old and she doesn’t have the courage to stand up to her parents whom she lives with? I don’t care what part of the world you live in! If your best friend is getting belittled by your parents (mother in this case) put a stop to it. Tell them you are dating your best friend’s brother and that’s that. If it was such a huge burden and concern from the beginning you shouldn’t have started the relationship, but you did knowing full well these idiotic consequences. It took Joonhee for you to grow a pair to stand up to your bosses but you can’t stand up to your family?? Get the fuck outta here!
    My rant is almost over.
    The story is slowly going down the drain. It feels like the writers are circling around with ideas but haven’t a clue what to do with them.
    Either put them together and we are all happy or kill one of them and that’s that. Stop putting us through misery, with good cop bad cop bullshit!

    • Mr Brad says:

      Music is dated and awful….50 year old country standard and the same song buy the ex-president of France’s wife, and her version is cheesy. No one in this drama has any guts and it tires me out trying to watch spineless characters. Bad script for SYJ to make a TV comeback with. I don’t get it, she’s better than this and so are some of the others. Oh well, I just wait for the weekly fix for My Mister, then all this is forgotten. Ciao

      • DyingtobeinKorea says:

        Well at least someone agrees with me LOL

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          I do too!! You know I made similar rants just all on different ep’s. lol
          Get em girl!! hahahah

      • paradox.of.fate says:

        Lol I already made my rant on the damn music. Agree totally on My Mister.
        Btw, my sons name is Brad, so every time I see your name it brings smile. Ty. ;)

  8. Cataleya says:

    La soeur a accepté bien vite le fait qu’il soient en couple je trouve ! Franchemeent je sais pas si c’est parce que je suis rancunière mais j’aurais pris plus de temps pour accepter tous ça …perso je vois tous ça comme une trahison !!!

    • 플로린 ~ says:

      Je peux comprendre ton point de vue mais d’un côté, ce serai égoiste si elle n’acceptait pas car deux personnes qui sont proches d’elle sont heureux ensemble alors elle devrait souhaiter qu’ils soient heureux ensemble. Je suis d’accord sur le fait que, vu qu’ils ont caché leur relation, elle devrait se sentir trahie mais après que Jin Ah se soit excusée de ne pas l’avoir dit avant, la soeur de Joon Hee lui a dit “parce que tu penses que je t’aurai accueilli à bras ouverts” (en gros) donc même si Joon Hee et Jin Ah l’avaient dit dès le départ, elle se serait probablement opposé. Après comme j’ai dit au début, je comprend ton point de vue parce que c’est difficile d’accepter ce genre de situation mais ils s’aiment et sont heureux et c’est leur relation avant tout :)

      • Cataleya says:

        C’est vrais tu as raison . Ils sont heureux , ils sont amoureux mais c’est difficile à accepter . Si je me mets du point de vue de la grande sÅ“ur la situation est bizarre quand même … Jin Ah et Joon Hee sont comme ses enfants , le fait qu’ils soient tombés amoureux l’un de l’autre est complément inimaginable . Ils font partis de la même “famille” …

        Bon après, avec le recul je me dit la vie est courte , s’ils sont heureux laissons être heureux . Après tout c’est leur relation comme tu dis .

        • 플로린 ~ says:

          Oui ça a du être un choque pour la grande soeur mais une fois qu’elle y a réfléchis elle a fini par l’accepter, en plus ils sont tellement mignons ensemble ^^