1 Season 16 Episode

Episode 16

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  1. tsinita says:

    this drama could have been good, bad ass and romantic.. unfortunately it did everything but against each other and not in a cohesive way. The newbie writer wasted the talents of the actors. I am hoping to watch Yoo Seung Ho’s next drama will be a great one.

  2. 3028 says:

    honestly…just let ga eun choose (eventho the result is predictable), i just wanted ga eun to clear about her choice in front of yi sun (like the previous eps) but i want CP to reveal his secret ASAP!

    ahh…its so frustating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • Cinnamon Carter says:

      I guess the writer’s goal has been achieved!? If they didn’t write what keeps people coming back, who’d keep watching right? Even if it pisses you off you still come back. (By YOU I mean the audience at large) If it’s for a love story you still go back. Part of their *trap* I call it is to engage the viewers in multiple ways while maintaining interest in their story until the end.

  3. pee says:

    This episode was good as we get to see Lee Sun showing his true colors and Hwa Goon confessing her love to the CP. But, l feel like the plot is not that well structured because Ga Eun’s character hasn’t developed that well to help the Crown Prince grow as a ruler (just as the writer claimed she would be). As a female lead she is just a waste of time and useless as compared to Hwa Goon because you can see how Hwa Goon’s character developed. We have like 7 episodes left and Ga Eun still doesn’t know the real identity of the CP. l don’t have any hope to see Ga Eun’s character developing anymore. This drama is just frustrating and boring but, l will continue to watch because of Yoo Seung Ho.

    • Cinnamon Carter says:

      Her behavior in and of itself is what puts him in a position to be who he is destined to become. She (imo) is not meant to be a strong central character but someone who pushes him forward by her weakness. That’s her part, needing to be rescued. His character? Rescuing her while learning to become the man he needs to be so he can be a virtuous King/Emperor who serves the needs of the people before his own.

  4. Jack! says:

    lee sun is just damn stupid as hell…he said he will give everything but not ga eun, when actually everything is crown prince’s posession. and do he really think ga eun will accept him or what, further more when he lost everything.

  5. Cinnamon Carter says:

    I don’t necessarily believe GaEun’s character is “under developed” in an incapable way attributed to the writer. Not all players on the court (to use basketball ?analogy) are the star, they merely assist the star players to do their thing. The title of the series is *The Emperor*. It does not need for her to be some fleshed out heroine type chick. It doesn’t need to focus on their love story. I see it as the growth of the Crown Prince. GaEun is who she is supposed to be FOR THE PLOT. This is about the Crown Prince and that bastard Lee Sun and anything else in between is filler.
    I’m watching too many of these things??‍♀️I’m crossing these characters with the story in “Queen for 7 days!

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      You sound like me!! Maybe my on and off dementia somehow rubbed off?? lolAll the other ones we are watching are different enough, Circle, Fight my way, Duel, Suspicious Partners, Lookout. But I am also watching My Sassy girl and I have been confusing 3 of them!! “The mind is a terrible thing to waste!” hehe

      • Cinnamon Carter says:

        I gave up on Circle. I can’t with them. I don’t care who is an alien, where their dad is or where the brother is or is it past earth or present earth!! Why Byul has no memory and the other boy wiping out his memory to forget the dead girlfriend??‍♀️
        When I realized I want them ALL DEAD ??I said time to quit.
        I went to Chinese and started *Princess Agents*??????
        It must be long because they upload (on youtube) 2 episodes at least everyday.
        Because of JooWon I tried to watch Sassy Girl but, nah man. I can’t do it

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          The brothers are really the only reason I’m still watching…guess growing up with 8 siblings, it stirs my heart to think that these brothers have continued to lookout for each other even over 20 years. We have 2 sets of twins in my family and I am closer to the one of the other twins than my own. Maybe things will change for us and we can be tight like we were 20 years ago? ;)

          • Cinnamon Carter says:

            I keep forgetting they’re twins ?I want to care and go back but I can’t! I feel like I wasted 6 or 7 episodes. How can I quit?

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lol You will still go back! Because you’re going to read all of the OMG comments and you won’t be able to stop yourself no matter how much you dislike it! hahaha ;)

          • Cinnamon Carter says:


      • Kitty from the star says:

        That’s why I see comments by you everywhere lol. I’m watching all of these dramas too except for duel (might start watching it later) and i keep getting confused too xD

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          lmao I am selling my house and moving so I had to get in as many as i could while I had internet. lol

  6. Detective K says:

    Wow, Lee Sun, a cat thinking he’s a tiger just because it has stripes.
    Greed truly knows no bounds.

  7. 소맥 says:

    When you have a king who look at you and say, “you look terrible”.
    But another one does not care how messed up you are, he will look at you and say “just as always, you are beautiful” (SHR).
    Wang So, 보고 싶다!


  8. paradox.of.fate says:

    Dirty, dirty, dirty! Lee Sun, was just happy to have his family taken care of and food to eat. This was his payback to the CP…look what power has done to a decent human. He has forgotten where he came from and who he was?
    All the CP has to do is become the King then he would regain the power that Lee Sun is pulling on him!I really hate he is turning so dark. He was such a coward, now he’s going to act like he has a set? NOT! He’s still a coward, a jealous coward which is even worse. I dont even want to talk about the previews!! omg!! Reverted right back to being a coward and using Dae Mok to eliminate the CP. Don’t act like you have set….grow some dangit!! lol

  9. Ricky Matthews says:

    Damn L is vicious as a King

  10. Mrinali Fernandez says:

    I want to smack that smug look off your face >.< In all my years of watching k-dramas, I have never once wanted something bad to happen to the second male lead. Oh, but this guy deserves it.
    I'm hoping for a diabolical plot twist where he ends up marrying Hwa Gun. HA! To see the look on his face!

  11. Austra says:

    Yes leesun make fire more! Be more greedy! The main couple had been too boring for me to endure

  12. Doree says:

    Now that he will be third wheel for sure(and he doesn’t even have any feeling for her), I can stop watching this. It’s sad because I love the concept. I just don’t like the main guy AT ALL. If this would be 100% about his father, then it would be diff

    • Mohammed says:

      Dont worry YJ is the clear first lead the one she swooned over because his new hair, who got her fav memory of dad food. Best friend second lead is way too late now. She is more into YJ right now than YJ into her. Next week he will prolly be noble idiot and avoid her because who wants the girl your son likes being in love with you ? ;)

  13. omo that smirk at the end he looked hot dawmmmmm


  15. vixter says:


    Basically what happens is that he will come back to the past to the day he left and then somehow get fairy preggers..? Then a year later he will leave to the future to be reunited with all of them leaving the past as a missing person. Also I can 100% tell that the money won’t be there otherwise there’d be no continuation.. I bet he goes back to the past and hides the money somewhere else or smthg idk.. and I honestly hope that the trainee gets into a relationship with the debutee and that the main girl and guy get together because omg so cute. And MJ needs to get a life

  16. luna326 says:

    WS and JH is obviously end game. She shows signs of subtle jealousy in episode 15 (doesn’t even realize it). She’s slowly getting there.

    • lisa dolfin says:

      hahaha yes i noticed too….am more convinced since until now hyun jae hasnt showed romantic interest (MAYBE IF THAT CHANGES NXT WK,bt then again his son likes her…complicated) and he is all about his money n phone n being a G

  17. MeliCon93 says:

    Hmm.. me thinks that this week’s episodes were more about exposition than anything else. Still there were some good laughs :-)

    Also: words cannot express how LITTLE I care about Ji Hoon’s tiresome (to me at least) love for Woo Sung and his persistence to make her see him as a man! [hides behind tree to avoid verbal rocks hi hi hi]

    • caty antony says:

      i think you care thats why you commented about it with a PS LOL……i think u secretly ship her with hyun jae but he isnt interested and the one who is sweet to her and always there is jin hoon and thats threatens ur ship…but chill hyun jae is awesome just the way he is with his antics and bickering no need of a lovee line,….he looks ncy with that new hair…..perfect drama

      • MeliCon93 says:

        That’s why I occasionally hate written text; it is difficult to express the light-hearted manner you were in when writing the comment. Anyway, I shippped her with Hyun Jae in eps 1,2 but the way the plot has moved on, makes me want to see the 3 leads ending up as good friends rather than having any kind of love line. Hyun Jae’s new hair is truly neat!

        • caty antony says:

          a love triangle will bring the humor of the drama down and will jst bring angst to the 1 left heartbroken.i prefer them as bickering friends thats why i just want hyun jn to continue being who he is behaviourwise to everyone with no love line

  18. 알라라 says:

    29:17 he looks so good there oml