1 Season 4 Episode

Episode 4 Engsub

Korean Drama Live Ep 4 With English Subtitles Download and Watch Online .

Episode TitleEpisode 4 Engsub

Synopsis of Live Ep 4

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  1. dutchessdioji says:

    FINALLY! It’s here and subbed. Thanks!

    • paradox.of.fate says:

      Ditto, I went back to watch older ones while waiting for this one. Any other older ones (pre 2010, or even 2013) you can recommend?

      • dutchessdioji says:

        Let me think about the older ones, but for now are you watching “My Mister?” IMO, it’s off to a really good start.

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          Really appreciate it. The acting is great talent and love that it’s a different take on the story line. Needed something new. I’m sure we will see each other there. lol ;)

          • kez says:

            Have you watched Punch 2014 i think it is a nice drama.

          • kez says:

            Have you watched Punch 2014 i think it is a nice drama.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I’ve been going back for seconds lately, may have to on that one too. Thanks for the reminder. Just finishing seconds on Lost so perfect timing.

      • dutchessdioji says:

        1. A Love to Kill, 2. I’m Sorry I Love You, 3. A Company Man (movie/action So Ji Sub), 4. The Man from Nowhere (movie/action) 5. Autumn in My Heart. I’m not saying these are the greatest, but I enjoyed them and I hope you will too. :)

        • paradox.of.fate says:

          Ty, at least I havent seen the second one. Just finished Misaeng (sp?) it was excellent. The hood just fixed the video loading. Woot! There were a few more I asked them to fix, hoping the others work too. If you haven’t Misaeng/ Uncomfortable life its better than most in the last few years besides the blockbusters. Thanks for the recommendation. :D

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Yes, I’ve seen it and really enjoyed it but thanks I thought you meant dramas a little older than this. I guess you have some catching up to do. :)

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            I did want older, but was still running 2 businesses from 2010 to 2014 to it was hit or miss. lol Still got a lot to sort thru between those years. But still have a little more time before things get busy so may try to squeeze in another. Hope you have a good holiday. (if applicable:D )

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Two businesses…wow! Hard to fit in “me” time doing that, but some people love being busy like my bff. Okay got it about the older dramas. Happy holiday to you also (if applicable :D).

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Dont care about a dollar, just love staying busy. My need to learn will be with me til I’m no longer vertical. lol Think I may go back to school? Seriously thinking about getting a law degree. A friend of mine who was also a Professional Land Surveyor did and he’s been encouraging me. Since the knees have been replaced, gotta find another career that doesn’t beat me up so bad. lol

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Go for it! I don’t think I have the patience to go back to school or the focus. :)

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Usually when people say, they don’t care about a dollar, it’s because they have a few extra lying around. ;) I believe you though. I have friends who don’t give a hoot about money either.

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            lol Well, my father wanted to be a millionaire before he turned 50, but with 9 kids that became difficult. Right before he died (at 52) he told me he wasted his life chasing a dollar and didn’t want me to do the same since I was just a teenager (We were like minded, he was a metallurgical engineer, and I was a math whiz) . By chance, I made good decisions and ended up as a Land Surveyor, General Contractor, but being a Land Developer was where I made the most, fast. Learned then, as my husband blew hundreds of thousands of dollars, that it wasn’t my goal. Got rid of him, even though it cost me a lot to do it…well worth the price. lol Thank god I still have time left to find that true meaning of happiness that we all strive for, right? ;)

          • dutchessdioji says:

            Nice, sounds like you’ve done well with your life so far. Your father would be proud. So sorry he’s not around to see his “Baby girl” (what my mother calls me, no offense, it makes me feel good when she says that) all grown up and doing quite well. Yes, we still have time “to find the true meaning of happiness.” In my next life, I’m going to shave my head and live at a Buddhist Temple and call it a day. :)
            P.S. My mother’s bff had to do the same thing to get rid of her husband. Smh. *Your not alone*

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Of course not, ty! The last guy I dated called me his Baby Girl, no offense taken. I am the youngest even with my twin. lol
            Dependent on how badly shaped my head is, I might be there with ya at the temple. Otherwise, like now, I wont cut my hair (waste of money & time), and eventually will live off grid in the mountains. :D hahaha
            You’re blessed to have your Mom around, and even more blessed to hear those sweet words often. Both of mine are gone, so always appreciate whats right now, right?

          • dutchessdioji says:

            You in the mountains and me in the country (population 50) wearing nothing but polyester pants and floral blouses. Rofl

          • paradox.of.fate says:

            Sounds like plan B to me, ;) since I live in the country now. lol

  2. dutchessdioji says:

    @8:18 Who is this gorgeous Police Officer (Min)? Anyone know this actor’s name?

  3. paradox.of.fate says:

    This is an impressive drama. A bunch of great talent and I appreciate how the writers are letting us into each individuals life while still trying to learn a career. School of hard knocks…

  4. tsinoy says:

    I knew the supporting actors are very good….this could be the best drama so far after “Mother”

  5. Sa Nd says:

    Love It!!!!

  6. DyingtobeinKorea says:

    @ronald_harrington are you watching this shit??